No man, woman, or child shall live in poverty of terror.
I have a dream that my sisters and brothers shall live in a world where they are not judged by race, religion, or caste, but by the content of their character. These words, this dream is alive; no man, woman, or child shall live in poverty or terror is a reflection of the reflection of what unity promises. Faith, hope, and love are the bridge with spirit and courage the driving force for our children’s future. NO more can we stand idol while the Medias dis-information and lies rule our life. Our government is waging a war against our races, our families, our homes in the name of the law. We have been driven into complacency by the status quo and the fear of reprisal. I am one voice singing a solo of hope and freedom in a silent choir of poverty and terror. I will not go quietly into the night. We as a people shall, will, and must over come the lies that have torn us apart as a nation. Our children who look upon us with eyes of wonder and love need not live in the prison cells of our past mistakes. I shall never leave or forsake the cause or way that shall assure the end of poverty and terror.
(Creative in nature)
To do what is most feared because it must be done, an expression of duty and loyalty.
Never let the colors run. For over 200 years soldiers have laid down their life, so we as a nation and individuals could continue to live in freedom. Greater love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his fellow man. Have we forgotten what founded this great nation? Do we belittle the sacrifices our for-fathers made? NO! Look to the sky and see our flag on high. Blue is the great expanse of our nation holding strong the states as stars. The white is the purity and peace of our ideals and dreams. Red is for the blood of every patriot who fought on the battle field of freedom. We the people in order form a more perfect union declare our independence. We are still the people, who this government is built for, yet we allow our civil liberties to be eroded away. The stealthy removal of our civil liberties and freedoms is in direct growing proportion to the fear instilled upon us by the, “War on Drugs”. We have been cajoled into shutting our doors, windows, and eyes allowing our government to control our thoughts and beliefs by the Medias voice. Americans live in fear of the, “Jungle” right beyond our doors. Proper understanding is much the same as power. We must inform ourselves of our families, neighborhoods, and communities; in doing so, we gain strength and courage by unity. The insight this provides us with, opens the truth which implores and empowers us to check ourselves, the mass media, and the paths we choose for the future through our government. Why do we allow our government to divide our races, communities, and families with the, “War on Drugs”? We must have the strength to face freedom, and the honor to see all people treated with compassion. Loss of rights, more and more prisons, cops, and laws; just cause hardship and sorrow, while we quietly persecute our fellow Americans. Our government is continually gaining power over us. We have begun living in a police state where the rĂ©gimes goal is money, control, and forced terror. Poverty is the final result. Ghandi said, “POVERTY IS THE WORST FORM OF VIOLENCE”: poverty of the hand, of the heart, of the spirit. No more escaping from fear and sorrow for it is knocking at your door. I shall open the door and invite in my honored guest. Only by abandoning our lives of safety and creating change can we live on the ideals that founded this great nation. There is no safety from the, “War on Drugs” being waged on our races, our families, our homes. There is blood on our hands, the blood of heroes. They fought for our freedom; we have to keep it. I’m a patriotic American and freedom is paramount.
Spirituality over the Flesh
The code of the Roman gladiators was, “Strength and Honor”; the gladiator’s life, his flesh was strong, yet the spirit that drove it into glory or death was far stronger. I wish die in glory of spirit not weakness and death of flesh. I live in what I have done, not what I can gather materially. “Love, hope, and faith will see you through.” I would say to those who were lost. Sorrow and pain not faced with courage and faith will render the spirit weak. To live and die in the flesh is a lonely place. Live in the spirit, and be master of your flesh.
All Beings are Sacred
Life is precious in all its forms, seek harmony.
Mother Earth is a Being
Mother Earth is our gift to our children. Intend to give as much as your parents got. The Earth is not only maternal, but also the child of our lives. Earth is the being that we live our life in tandem with, to be treated with the same reverence and love as another life.
Nurturing of Children
To look into a child’s eye’s is to under stand our own greatness; what they become is the measure of our greatness. Endeavor to provide of your self when a child can grow from your wisdom and love. Help them to find out who they are and prepare them in their responsibility, for they are the next generation. It is their world not ours.
Respect of Elderly and Wisdom
If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. The time for moving forward to the promised land is now. We are on the cusp of a panedendrum, which will change the world as surely as Prometheus giving fire to the people.
Act without Anger or Fear
Use temperance, patience, and compassion to guide you through the greatest storm. Only then will you not lose the way, for the slightest divergence may grow to rule you. Have courage to face your fear, for fear leads to pain, pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate; hate is failure and loss of self. Do not let your fears cripple you in this way. Confront your fear, embrace your anger, and have faith in humanity; it will show itself truer than the finest blade.
To Thine own Self be True
Know they self. We are feeling humans who think. The forgiveness of self is the realization of our own humanity. You are who you are; unique and alive with a fallible freewill.
We Must Make Amends
If we are to prosper and have forward positive growth; the nearsighted self gratifying for the progress of the few with no plan for the future must change. I implore you to put back more than you took. BE A GIVER NOT A TAKER.
Peace-UP is written creatively and grows with every new reader. The life it shall have shall be its own. I am just a man with a vision. Measure it not against the man, for the man measures himself against it.
Dedicated to:
My Son David Wiley
My Daughter Megan Rose
Kyle Ames and Ashton
Jacob and Jesse
Mystical Rose
Alicia, my children’s sister who was named after my sister.