Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Eyes on the Prize (VI) — Bridge to Freedom, 1965 [with English subtitles]

in color


#SELMA Selma Movie #SELMA50 ... front cover mission magazine 1965, Selma in Color on
cover. I saw it long ago, Dad showed it to me.. My father was a Marcher, he was
not there to be a safe white journalist. He went because it was right. He went
not knowing if they would beat or kill him. This point is very important,
because as a Marcher those 50 miles could you imagine what he felt like, Amen.
shh he hates it when I tape him.. Chef John "The Ghetto Gourmet" The
fact later he used his voice to tell the world, not the point, Kings Point, BUT
today. NOT the point. today it is an American Point. We did this as Americans
standing for our beliefs, ready to die for what is right, "For too long
good men have stood idly by as ..." M. L. King o The movie was incorrect in
one part, as I recall from the picture in the front cover. The police were NOT
at the END of the bridge & NIETHER were the Marchers. They were feet apart,
feet apart. A picture of crossed arms, and all sorts of faiths, sisters,
fathers, orthodox, Jewish, Baptist, catholic, Methodist, the white ethos of
America woke and walked right to the line of fire. The pic with the men in blue
shirts white and blue helmets, all the Police. It was line of people against
VIOLENCE HATE, Then something happened, I don't know what but to think humanity
touched that moment and the Police moved, Yes with the singing the fear the
guns and dogs, the screamers. That why this is so important. Young people
listen, white where there, Italians were there, Irish were there, Polish,
German, Negro, AMERICA heard the call and came. My father one from a long way
away not to be ..

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


#GreatSpirit #Amen
Blessings, In all voices.
The river always has talked to me, the Zebra Tail Butterfly always is first to great me, then I speak to my friend High above me and then on to the river. It is my place of holiness, it is holy ground. Today a gift, and honor, from my friend.
A prayer, Amen
Great Spirit

Monday, July 20, 2015

Apple Pie

#ApplePie #Apple #Pie
#PhesantPark #Appletree #ChefJohntheGhettoGourmet

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


My seat was waiting for me, front of the T.V tonight we were watching Elf. It was 2004 and it was a week before Christmas. I was up front, well me a few guys were running Camp by then, 81 had rolled thunder, and as THOR out of respect the brothers always had a seat for me waiting. The movie came on and we were all laughing when you were supposed to and having a good time of it. Movies always at 8 were cool after long days in the brush of Oregon working in rain, muck mud, working to clear forest area's to stop forest fires, fire roads stream habitat, national parks, local parks, we got the job done. Forest Work Crew day after day 6 days a week the trucks pulled out and we worked, and a good movie at the end was a great way to unwind, stay cool. It was near the end of the movie, when the little girl started singing, "You better watch out." I chimed my voice up letting it roll powerfully into the room in time with the music a Christmas classic "You better watch out" Another voice joined in taking the next line. "Better not cry!" a bunch of tough guys.. "Better not pout" chimed in from another corner of the big dark room. Then a few voices with mine took the next line, "I'm telling you why." It is one thing when just a voice or a few sings along, but then something happened. Every single man in that room sang the next line.. "SANTA CLAUSE IS COMING TO TOWN!" We all keep singing louder and louder, other men came in the room, blue clad, with lettering, all began singing lining the walls watching at first with funny looks then catching the bug joined in. Finally a few Sheriffs on duty at The Lane County Forest Work Camp walked in in wonder and amazement as 50 Inmates in JAIL sang a children's Christmas Carol at the top of our voices, smiles, leaning and swaying with the music, Santa Clause IS COMING TO TOWN.... Christmas in Jail.

I would do my last day of work Friday at the Forest Work Camp. It was a time to be able to pick an Album and the lady Sheriff (Ps,, She is a very Shall we say "Handsome Officer"  (I have a lot of respect for the Sheriffs Dept. and this officer and others and the camp.) {zzzzz s BAMB! boyz cool.}  "Officer' XXX on Crew "Did you just call me THOR?" as I smiled. I won't say nothing nodding to Guys, We worked sweated together, the steam engine would be going, groups, the community, church's, and the Christmas party everybody was there, Sister Margaret, bunch big , staff with strips, Sgts, Joe, a group of Christians. I went hone the Day after Christmas. I went home with great dignity. I went in the jail getting maximum from and angry Judge and had said to my Lawyer for I saw what was happening. A man knows when due process is a whim and he is done.  "It is a far, far, better thing I do now than I have ever done." He being an educated man looked at me and said, "What did you say?" with a look of total surprise. I turned to my girl and said, "This time does not belong to them this is our moment," she needed me more than ever right then. I pulled two rings out of my pocket and right there got down best I could not interrupting court.

"Will you Marry me?" ""Yes" exploded from her. A elderly couple seated behind her looked on and a short gasp of compassion let loose rom the woman as she grabbed her husband hand. They had done something wrong; I could feel no matter, forgiven before done.

She asked for a huge before I was taken away.

She was waiting for me, when I got out. She and a new friend with her now. God.