in color
in color
#SELMA Selma Movie #SELMA50 ... front cover mission magazine 1965, Selma in Color on
cover. I saw it long ago, Dad showed it to me.. My father was a Marcher, he was
not there to be a safe white journalist. He went because it was right. He went
not knowing if they would beat or kill him. This point is very important,
because as a Marcher those 50 miles could you imagine what he felt like, Amen.
shh he hates it when I tape him.. Chef John "The Ghetto Gourmet" The
fact later he used his voice to tell the world, not the point, Kings Point, BUT
today. NOT the point. today it is an American Point. We did this as Americans
standing for our beliefs, ready to die for what is right, "For too long
good men have stood idly by as ..." M. L. King o The movie was incorrect in
one part, as I recall from the picture in the front cover. The police were NOT
at the END of the bridge & NIETHER were the Marchers. They were feet apart,
feet apart. A picture of crossed arms, and all sorts of faiths, sisters,
fathers, orthodox, Jewish, Baptist, catholic, Methodist, the white ethos of
America woke and walked right to the line of fire. The pic with the men in blue
shirts white and blue helmets, all the Police. It was line of people against
VIOLENCE HATE, Then something happened, I don't know what but to think humanity
touched that moment and the Police moved, Yes with the singing the fear the
guns and dogs, the screamers. That why this is so important. Young people
listen, white where there, Italians were there, Irish were there, Polish,
German, Negro, AMERICA heard the call and came. My father one from a long way
away not to be ..
cover. I saw it long ago, Dad showed it to me.. My father was a Marcher, he was
not there to be a safe white journalist. He went because it was right. He went
not knowing if they would beat or kill him. This point is very important,
because as a Marcher those 50 miles could you imagine what he felt like, Amen.
shh he hates it when I tape him.. Chef John "The Ghetto Gourmet" The
fact later he used his voice to tell the world, not the point, Kings Point, BUT
today. NOT the point. today it is an American Point. We did this as Americans
standing for our beliefs, ready to die for what is right, "For too long
good men have stood idly by as ..." M. L. King o The movie was incorrect in
one part, as I recall from the picture in the front cover. The police were NOT
at the END of the bridge & NIETHER were the Marchers. They were feet apart,
feet apart. A picture of crossed arms, and all sorts of faiths, sisters,
fathers, orthodox, Jewish, Baptist, catholic, Methodist, the white ethos of
America woke and walked right to the line of fire. The pic with the men in blue
shirts white and blue helmets, all the Police. It was line of people against
VIOLENCE HATE, Then something happened, I don't know what but to think humanity
touched that moment and the Police moved, Yes with the singing the fear the
guns and dogs, the screamers. That why this is so important. Young people
listen, white where there, Italians were there, Irish were there, Polish,
German, Negro, AMERICA heard the call and came. My father one from a long way
away not to be ..