Friday, September 18, 2015

Yeah Springfield Oregon We Rocked!

 I stopped to say Thank you for a wonderful article which I just found, quit tardy. Valentines Day 2012. Well in truth; I looked at this old pic for a while and thought. I was just telling someone a young fellow what the old night life was like when I got here in 96': for I doubled as a bouncer in a Rock & Roll Club. "There used to be people out all night down town, music was rolling in almost every bar but 1 strip Club, the bikers were always mixed in and the crowd for a East Coast City boy on a motorcycle I felt I mixed right in. Things were cool I said. I mean and I started naming names Rumors, 535(Dutch Man) Club, Springers, the Woodsman, Mill Camp greatest of them all bringing in big names like KISS and all the college kids, and locals shook the town with dance and music. You could walk right down the street at 1 Am and people would be walking back and forth, the night alive, and always to finish a good night was Larry & Cathy's. le out all night down town,  The poor young fellow could not believe it at the age of 20 that this town used to really Rock, I began naming Bands, Pelt turned Ozone baby, the old AKA with Tim Danahue from Cherry Popin Daddies, Mr. Wizard, Phamouse Faces, RMS Mc Connel, and all the Country talent. I said yeah Springfield,
 "We Rocked!"   

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Rock


' For Rocky, a Champion is alive in all of us.'

We headed north on I270 and I watched the houses disappear and then our exit Darnstown Road. The Red Mercedes pulled onto a side road and then there was our destination. It was not like Mark Twain at all, no activity in the Parking lot like a normal school. The parking lot in fact was very small like a business not a large institution. I could see the dark red brick buildings in the back, all around, a sort of field to the right as we pulled in and the flat brick structure in front of me. I looked in the rear view; my feelings were still at a major loss for I wanted to go back to normal school and even did everything right at Mark Twain getting my schooling done, back on track then Dad's bomb shell. The sun was coming and spring was lifting its voice in the cool morning air sun shining soon to be warm.

I looked in the side mirror, corn fields, is the thought that hit me, and where am I? I was still imploring, "Dad there nothing but corn fields"

"Yep, so you got nowhere to go." he said in way of making light of what was a very heavy decision in my life being put into an "institution" but this was just supposed to be a school to help me. I was dubious full on. The listing of what classes I was to take and my transition into a full time short bus student had been approved until a bed opened.   The red line subway had not made it to the end of the line yet we were off the grid as I felt.

We walked into the front door and Mr. Dinckleman an Afro-American man began the intake. I was in shock still the smell of the place was a cross between an empty middle school at night from the janitorial job I had and a Hospital. My courses were out lined at right off there was a problem. I went from honors classes, and A.P. Biology College courses to a school that did not go any further in math stopping at algebra, I was in Trig, far past that, sciences, no Chemistry, or anything above earth Science, a 9th grade class. I had 2/ 1/2 years of English classes my earlier decision to be a better student and hold back a year haunting me now in whispers, haunting, is a good way of explaining the essence of the 'Rock' to me over the years but now it was just another new school, but this time I was mad, determined again to show I could main stream in public school. My first day the bus showed ant it was short, I never thought, "I took the short bus to school." A year before I was at a top Catholic High school which translated to honors in public school and now..

The walls painted orange. brown gentle colors, the floor a green or blue,  carpet with a tan tile solid in the halls. I entered home room class and looked around still wearing Lords of London, or other fashion preppy clothing hiding the rebel at school for most part and there was my home room class. I looked for Mr. Carter from the show because here were the sweat hogs. I was thrown into to a world, of drama, a DIS form daily Interaction Sheet which became more important in the "Idea' of changing behavior then any focus on school. I was a bad student but this was ridicules level of mental inactivity, yet it had to learn something else real quick. I was dealing with a very unusual group of people. I was in a very foreign environment again and began life at the "Rock".

New friends came slow at first. I say John and a girl Suki a girl who just happened to sit in front of me.  It was a place with no real in crowd, or out crowd. Each person had their battle and their face, and the want, to find something missing from their lives many other non conformers, some just barely alive and others who wanted more than anything t go home, and often the case it was gone, 'The Home' living in a child's heart until they're  are truly ready for this world is they want to go home. Until then it was a new place and new faces and everything was controlled, documented, life became therapy constant, and adolescence is for exploring I felt not constriction and more control, and a world I had never truly seen dysfunction ever every kind like I am a therapist. I saw a bunch of real troubled kids and my empathy began becoming something else, I began being someone else, not the dreams of the letter from Princeton and Ivy league schools leading into G.W. law, no It took the biggest 180 degree turn it could. I was at the "Rock" and it was prison for me; my introduction into being in a world of confusion and uncertainty.  The only true refuge was in the friends we made and the experiences we began to have, beyond class, beyond learning, but real life slap your shit right in my face was the emotional roller coaster of existence for my introduction into the Rock. It happens once and you never forget it, when it first happens, and you are there close, in screaming distance a restraint. I just looked at the floor. I couldn't, I didn't want to, I don't think we ever got over that. Restraint my ass I feel, it was violence control to the maximum.  I stared at the floor and then watched around me, it was only a couple of day and class remarks on there goes, so and so as they tackled him in the hallway because he would not stop jumping and running in the halls, just jumping and running in the halls, what teens do, but when you are told to stop they mean it. They saw it as curb that rebellion change the person by confinement and control. Years later I look and say I can go downtown for that, but it was a time later I went to a place where the program worked, it did more than work it made men and women, but for now we were kids on a Rock somewhere outside the 'Wall'.   

Friday, September 11, 2015

Waco Stand off w/ ATF & FBI, Murder of American Citizens, 911 Emergency

It was just after breakfast and the guys came in from working and said, "Look! You have got to watch the News." We grumbled but enough, "What is going on!"  to get 20 Inmates out of bed again just after breakfast in a medium custody dorm, not easy or ever wanted. The TV. turned on the announcers were in a frenzy, as we watched the first tower on fire smoke questions about what had happened then the other airplane  come in and hit we all gave a gasp, the room went silent, but my quiet pain and breathing and men cursing. My pain was, I heard 100 million voices, I felt 100 million people see horror at once, a terrible thing for a full 'empath' it was like my mind screamed in a hundreds a thousand uncountable voices in a room. I sat on my bunk, time was something, ticking away. The men grumbled, "We are going to War." The Sheriffs were walking around knowing, "We are going to War."

Where was I when the towers fell? I was on the top bunk in Lane County Jail. 2B

"Scary truth."

It was 1993 during the Branch Davidson at Wako Texas when the news was full of daily shots of the Wako Standoff. The "Christian based Cult" had armed themselves and had a standoff with the ATF and FBI on National news every day, then we heard a officer was shot during an attempted breach and another officer took a grenade then the worst thing possible, the leader was painted as a mad man like Jim Jones of Years ago who gave all his people and children cyanide Kool-Aid, so when the building caught flame we believed he had set his own people children on fire and they died in the fiery inferno of all the gas the leader has "Supposedly" as we were told spread around the building.

The internet was new, and a high level programmer was one of our group and would talk to me about new ideas on the internet, most people didn't understand real cutting edge stuff as we began the crawl away from books. He ran into the room one day to the VCR and said, "I got a bomb! You have to see this, I got the un-doctored raw footage of the 'Wako Standoff'." We watched as two officers climbing a ladder jump and one grabs his side arm and it discharges into his foot, the time of what the news showed and the truth we were seeing was exactly as it happened but twisted. Again during a breach attempt the officer threw the grenade into the window without looking as a another officer jumped into the other window.  2nd Cop hurt. Then the tank came we were shown trying to break into the building as it was on fire. Flames, the tank had a flame thrower on it, mounted on the right side where the original picture was fuzzy in the shot,  and all of us in a big circle looked in horror as our government burned its citizens alive.
I love you America! 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Converstion, Evil, Terror, Chaos

You see the resemblance. Warrior Islamist State is released to Europe as poor refugee? Wpuszczanmy to Europe terrorists undercover immigrants. As I said in previous posts europe's horse trojanskiego. Soon we will cut heads off and kill our children. Media never shows. Keep on. Udostępniajcie!

The only way to deal with true Evil is Force. Peace-Up
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
  • John Arthur Ernst thankfully thier is not much REAL evil, in the form of man.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
    • John Arthur Ernst I think about how we as brothers, (I say that is honor for no Patch) called the top Outlaw Club, but I say I have seen real evil men, they often tried to kill me, animals, with hate and sensless murders born from hatred, Child Moslters, Rape, Sadist animals that I feel personally the Club in all forms carries a much higher set of codes and such men are delt with accordingly, in time. I know men who still have several hate murderers and black magic herion murderers and are still walking free. They should not. Time. THOR
    • John Arthur Ernst Prison Gangs most don't run code, no honor in destroying a community, cartels, anything born from hate will die from it, it's leaders banished. We had the leader of the Anarchist movent locked up with us acting real hard, (In dorms whatever, if you hard you go down in the singles cell hole for a few months. It really suck down there we call it hollywood squares cause when you walked in the cell windows were right there with an inmate looking out just the face shoulders, cold showers no comissary, always cold with no real light . "add Some fool who always wants to know what time it is, 3 meals, 3 counts, Shave shower sh*t and shut f up!" 1 hour out a day, so one for 2-6 months. I always got put there, Felony assults long ago.) but his boyz were stopping visiting by being a "Unsactioned" protest at the jail after a riot in Eugene., Couple real dudes heading upstate, family thing, not ours, but they made him back down and call his people and get them off the jail. NO Honor. Idea born of hate, "Chaos influxes upon itself." That is why I wrote Peace-UP by THOR it is based in Honor, Love, Loyalty, Faith, Creativity, and No man runs it. It is an Idea. One I was born to bring, like a favorite story of mienz von The Power of One, opps that was German, I read XXX German friend posts.. I got a thing for slavic based laugauages. I can read them 60% of words, German is a freak thing from being a very small boy and listing to the old German's who lived in Minnesota near Grand Parents.