Friday, August 5, 2016

On Death and Dying, The Eye of THOR

The world left.
It did not make a sound shutting the door.
It did not go into the coming night.
There was no feeling of an empty room to tell of it's passing.
The world left without a thought.
It left into nothing leaving nothing not even the cold grave.
In fact you don't even get this.
The world left.

It takes 3 years of knowing somebody..
Crazy Steve, R.I.P.
"Some people can be trusted with a dollar, others a secret, others your things, others to tell the truth, others your very life. You get that from one word after a long time of being a man like that." I was listening to him, and turned to look at him. Carter looked at me. "THOR, you can be trusted with all those thi...ngs. You have Integrity" R.I.P. Lt Carter.. • A man, his Name was Carter, My Nick name and part of my name is THOR is my writing, street, homeless Uncle THOR, to the kids years ago on the street, and now uncle THOR to their kids. BUT the #TheEyeofTHOR is a picture done by Carter Hartman R.I.P. He was a Savant in the streets of Eugene, a Drunk I did not know whether to give him a sandwich or 1$ for beer. We were in Lane Community College 2009' together and We Knew each other from a Program. I wait a year did 4+ at Lane to talk too much to people un real situation wait for book, in housing and just off the hook, underworld, and I am trying to go to college this all around me deep. Here comes Carter Pushing a Shopping Cart, Hilyard Aly 1770 gone now, last of cottages, and I say "Carter you still in school, cool doing well then?" yes he replies I got a 4.3,,, 4.3 is A+ across the board, he said as we smoked, "Here let me show you." rolled over his cart and cans. He drew my Eye and called it the Eye of THOR. He was beaten to death that summer next in Amazon or Skinner Park, by traveling homeless. The Art instructor and I talked we were both close as a man can get to Carter, He is a Painter, and said, "Carter was the best natural artist drawler he had seen in his life and all teaching." I tell their story. I am a professional writer, a singer, and a Chef. I am THOR See More