Sunday, November 27, 2016

A Plea for Captain John Brown by Henry David Thoreau

This is not an easy read. The knowledge of the writers of that day Emerson, Thoreau, the townships and the new frontier in contrast to the long holding mentality of the exploitation of a race leading to the base and moral nature of who we are. Thoreau brings this challenge in many forms by attending to a 'Plea' for John Brown Abolitionist in a essay that in it's day was a great challenge the morality of a learned nation and then even to be spoken by those who would not/ could not read which is a massive part of the entire population extending into the boarder lands and to the very halls of Boston, Washington D.C., N. Y, and all points. He was a HERO as spoken over and over in the reading, and outlaw, a man of great nobility and one who was willing to take his quart of blood to the market and get not a penny for it. It is a read in likes of History.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Letter to Oregon Ducks Football Team.

Oct 19th, 11:50pm
We passed one day. I recall you saying that to the brothers.
This is for all you,
You men mean more than just football. You are hero's to little kids who live here. You are bigger than life. In that sense you have to be the hero. You have to keep the dreams in their eyes gentlemen. I can say that with knowing what I am saying to be a hero to kids. It is no easy job, ever but the rewards are bigger than life just like you have to be.

"The Dreams in their Eyes."

I am one of those, those over gifted athletes who never had to try, not hard. Yeah, I practiced, was on a team, teams Varsity, H.S., but I never really had a reason, ever. I even have sweat shirt from the team at college; I was always fast and I just joined to get a easy A, just to get my degree. I was going somewhere else in life finally; I had direction. College will do that point you in a direction give you something you think you can do and live on possibly enjoy. If you get a chance to be a part of a team, any team group something done with hard work and group effort even when it's ugly, and you pass through it or even over come it and be the winner you were part of a team. Never lose that, and you earned it, the earning more is what we want to hear next. The beating this world hands down a winner in everyone's eyes, and that is a fine and noble goal, but if we really tried hard what would we become?
The next thing that happens changes it all, one trauma, one fall, one tear, break missed ball or note in a song. You can't go back and change the music, you can't ever go back, and catch the ball, make the push when you should of. It happened to me, and I had to get up and dust off, I had to get up, and keep going, I had to train like no man should train unless he is going to do something really hard. I had to train like every thing that I wanted and hoped for was at risk. I had to train like I had the very devil him self chasing me and I was trying to keep up with big G. I got up. I trained everyday, I worked everyday, everything I did with purpose and need of greatness that pushes boundaries, and I broke a few. I was becoming that winner. I was setting records and doing what I know other said could not be done.
Tragedy is part of life and it again touched me, and all I knew. I was down again. I got back up and I ran. I trained. I would run to the plaque at Autzen Stadium and read the engraving. I would get down on one knee and cross my self into prayer then getting up renewed. I would read just a few lines, about the mothers who so believed in the dreams in their children's eyes, who supported them and loved them raising them to reach their dreams. You see that's it right there in essence of why I get back up and shine, and it's the essence of every Duck who reads this, it is the essence of every student who said I am going the extra mile, the extra set, the extra, long distance until then their night was not through, until then they couldn't rest, why they had dreams in their eyes.

I called the front at Autzen office one day. People were defacing the plaque, they were stepping on something that had become sacred, and I called because it kept happening. I called because it meant something big to me does it to you?
"What are the Dreams in you Eyes?"
Your bro Amen,

Sons of the Valley Letter to Oregon Football player.

Sons of the Valley
I get a lot of rides from taxi of late to medical. I met this oldtimer and he told me a pretty cool story. I should start with a Sons of the Valley is something the elders speak of. It is one of the Valley who is here to do big things becasue of who he is. I was called a Son of the Valley long time ago after being here a few years, and I didn't get it. I get it now.
Elder Taxi driver leaned back and began,

"The very first wagon train with Eugene Skinner here and went to winter in the west hills with the Indians. The whole valley would flood from the beaver dambs, and this one man decides that he wants to travel from the Coast Range to the Cascade range, and takes his canoe and paddles all the way across the valley. On his way back he saw a piece of land sticking out of the water about Junction City and said, "I am going to build my farm there." "
"Wow! Sir that's is a great story.
"His great great grandson is going to be the new quater back for the U of O."
I smiled back for it was amazing story of history into today.
"That would sure make a lot of Ducks!" I replied...

John Arthur Ernst
October 23 at 2:58pm