Thursday, July 15, 2021

Grave Yard Memoirs

 I could hear him from the other hospital room oh, but more I could hear him deep inside my soul and mind. I heard his groans of pain long sorrowful moans and there was another voice loud and predominant I think it was his sister. I got the impression he was about 65 afroamerica wizened man with white hair and deep black wrinkles under his eyes as he had been fighting death Breath by breath for sometime. His sister was there in prayer and in loving support as those moments waned on. He was so afraid and I was so close it was like I was eye-to-eye with him even though he was on a breathing machine completely hooked up to equipment keeping him alive. He suffered so and I felt it in my bones. I felt for him and also had a message for him. I reached out and told him, "It's okay you can let go, it's okay to let go of the pain, you will be okay". I let him know basically he was going to heaven and it was real. I wonder if to him my voice must have sounded like an angel in his moment of peril as he crossed from this life to the next. I heard all the machines alarm from down the hall as his breath left him but this time it wasn't in Terror it was a sound of peace in this last sound mixed with a sigh not like the moaning before. I felt his soul leave seeming to disappear shaking free of the white sheets and beyond the yellow tiles that line the walls and rooms. The sound his sister made as his life left him with a shriek of Sorrow that I have a heard a breif few times in my life. I couldn't reach her to give any Solstice like I had her brother in her time of need , but of course she wasn't across the veil like I was.

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