Saturday, April 30, 2011

Peace-UP Earth

No man, woman, or child shall live in poverty of terror.

     I have a dream that my sisters and brothers shall live in a world where they are not judged by race, religion, or caste, but by the content of their character. These words, this dream is alive; no man, woman, or child shall live in poverty or terror is a reflection of the reflection of what unity promises. Faith, hope, and love are the bridge with spirit and courage the driving force for our children’s future. NO more can we stand idol while the Medias dis-information and lies rule our life. Our government is waging a war against our races, our families, our homes in the name of the law. We have been driven into complacency by the status quo and the fear of reprisal. I am one voice singing a solo of hope and freedom in a silent choir of poverty and terror. I will not go quietly into the night. We as a people shall, will, and must over come the lies that have torn us apart as a nation. Our children who look upon us with eyes of wonder and love need not live in the prison cells of our past mistakes. I shall never leave or forsake the cause or way that shall assure the end of poverty and terror.

(Creative in nature)

To do what is most feared because it must be done, an expression of duty and loyalty.


Never let the colors run. For over 200 years soldiers have laid down their life, so we as a nation and individuals could continue to live in freedom. Greater love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his fellow man. Have we forgotten what founded this great nation? Do we belittle the sacrifices our for-fathers made? NO! Look to the sky and see our flag on high. Blue is the great expanse of our nation holding strong the states as stars. The white is the purity and peace of our ideals and dreams. Red is for the blood of every patriot who fought on the battle field of freedom. We the people in order form a more perfect union declare our independence. We are still the people, who this government is built for, yet we allow our civil liberties to be eroded away. The stealthy removal of our civil liberties and freedoms is in direct growing proportion to the fear instilled upon us by the, “War on Drugs”. We have been cajoled into shutting our doors, windows, and eyes allowing our government to control our thoughts and beliefs by the Medias voice. Americans live in fear of the, “Jungle” right beyond our doors. Proper understanding is much the same as power. We must inform ourselves of our families, neighborhoods, and communities; in doing so, we gain strength and courage by unity. The insight this provides us with, opens the truth which implores and empowers us to check ourselves, the mass media, and the paths we choose for the future through our government. Why do we allow our government to divide our races, communities, and families with the, “War on Drugs”? We must have the strength to face freedom, and the honor to see all people treated with compassion. Loss of rights, more and more prisons, cops, and laws; just cause hardship and sorrow, while we quietly persecute our fellow Americans. Our government is continually gaining power over us. We have begun living in a police state where the rĂ©gimes goal is money, control, and forced terror. Poverty is the final result. Ghandi said, “POVERTY IS THE WORST FORM OF VIOLENCE”: poverty of the hand, of the heart, of the spirit. No more escaping from fear and sorrow for it is knocking at your door. I shall open the door and invite in my honored guest. Only by abandoning our lives of safety and creating change can we live on the ideals that founded this great nation. There is no safety from the, “War on Drugs” being waged on our races, our families, our homes. There is blood on our hands, the blood of heroes. They fought for our freedom; we have to keep it. I’m a patriotic American and freedom is paramount.

Spirituality over the Flesh

     The code of the Roman gladiators was, “Strength and Honor”; the gladiator’s life, his flesh was strong, yet the spirit that drove it into glory or death was far stronger. I wish die in glory of spirit not weakness and death of flesh. I live in what I have done, not what I can gather materially. “Love, hope, and faith will see you through.” I would say to those who were lost. Sorrow and pain not faced with courage and faith will render the spirit weak. To live and die in the flesh is a lonely place. Live in the spirit, and be master of your flesh.

All Beings are Sacred
Life is precious in all its forms, seek harmony.

Mother Earth is a Being

Mother Earth is our gift to our children. Intend to give as much as your parents got. The Earth is not only maternal, but also the child of our lives. Earth is the being that we live our life in tandem with, to be treated with the same reverence and love as another life.

Nurturing of Children

To look into a child’s eye’s is to under stand our own greatness; what they become is the measure of our greatness. Endeavor to provide of your self when a child can grow from your wisdom and love. Help them to find out who they are and prepare them in their responsibility, for they are the next generation. It is their world not ours.

Respect of Elderly and Wisdom

If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. The time for moving forward to the promised land is now. We are on the cusp of a panedendrum, which will change the world as surely as Prometheus giving fire to the people.
Act without Anger or Fear

     Use temperance, patience, and compassion to guide you through the greatest storm. Only then will you not lose the way, for the slightest divergence may grow to rule you. Have courage to face your fear, for fear leads to pain, pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate; hate is failure and loss of self. Do not let your fears cripple you in this way. Confront your fear, embrace your anger, and have faith in humanity; it will show itself truer than the finest blade.

To Thine own Self be True

     Know they self. We are feeling humans who think. The forgiveness of self is the realization of our own humanity. You are who you are; unique and alive with a fallible freewill.

We Must Make Amends

     If we are to prosper and have forward positive growth; the nearsighted self gratifying for the progress of the few with no plan for the future must change. I implore you to put back more than you took. BE A GIVER NOT A TAKER.

     Peace-UP is written creatively and grows with every new reader. The life it shall have shall be its own. I am just a man with a vision. Measure it not against the man, for the man measures himself against it.




Dedicated to:
My Son David Wiley
My Daughter Megan Rose
Kyle Ames and Ashton
Jacob and Jesse
Mystical Rose
Alicia, my children’s sister who was named after my sister.


No man, woman, or child shall live in poverty or terror.

Freedom is paramount
Spirituality over the flesh
All beings are sacred
Nurturing of children
Respect of elderly and wisdom
Act without anger or fear
To thine own self be true
We must make amends
Beliefs are creative in nature
Spread the word of freedom
Truth & Honor
Walk as the peaceful warrior

     Peace-up is a concept; it means peace you people up into unity. In unity we will have the political, social, and spiritual driving force that is required to leave the proper legacy for our families, our children, our world. I was so lucky to be born into the United States of America where we have a cross-section of every race, religion, and lifestyle. Some socialists refer to our country as the melting pot; I feel this is incorrect a sharing pot would be closer to the truth and wouldn’t breed as much fear and dissent. Our country is the world leader in many regards power, money, and resources’. We use 70% of the world. To own a thing is to control a thing. This is a pretty tall order, no chances for a do-over. We can always do it again; or can we?
     Fifty years ago the CIA, with help from the families; began flooding the ghettos with cocaine and heroin. The CIA’s purpose was to disrupt the unity with-in the target races and cultures. The result was minority families gain power and money for themselves. America is an equal opportunity capitalistic system that is based on primarily on, “Get yours”. When you have too worry about shelter, food, and other basic needs, and you are a minority of any form; it is only sensible and expected too fall back on your extended family for guidance and direction. We all do what we must too survive, or “Get ours”. These families have been doing this with zest, and often a one track mind when it comes to the survival of the operation at hand. Corporations would have a hard time up against them; you see when it’s your family’s lives being threatened, you bend the rules or flat out write some new ones. I believe; the first of the families, who was approached by our government, saw the opportunity to gain power, and reverse the effects in the long range, of their social and political position. Now there is much more a stake than social progress. The very world we live in: our families, children, civil rights, laws, environment, social and political change, religious freedoms, even our own household running’s, weigh in the balance of what we shall do over the next twenty years. I have a hard time seeing any individual freely giving up any freedom that they now have, and that’s expediential for any family member. Our blood is wild and free, infused with the love for life, the power it takes to be the changing, and often the motivational force for a new venture that’s outcome is certain to come with heavy losses of blood and sorrow. The law of social entropy states; “When there is a set lawful system in place; the only way to over come it is to institute another greater lawful system to off-set the first, OR make strategic chaotic movements that will unseat the first.
     So I say again, “PEACE-UP” into UNITY, unity for political, social, and financial movements that will insure a place for the children of tomorrow. WE must coordinate our efforts to make the changes now; it’s almost too late. WE have no more time for petty differences; no matter what race, creed, lifestyle, or religion. WE are all still AMERICANS. I don’t expect, “Bikers” too suddenly to switch to low riders, or the, “AB” to eat soul food. I do expect us too communicate not only on daily pleasantries, but to make a difference in their communities by being the big brothers and role models of their communities. When there is a problem in your, “Hood” domestic, criminal, or social see if you can beat the authorities to the fix. Until the “Socio-Communities” regain their strength it is now our duty to be there with our strength, compassion, and honor for our communities. The knights code is this; his word his bond, his might uphold the weak, his sword cuts away the injustices, his wisdom is a beacon for all to see, his deeds worthy and with honor. This code has been lost amid the greed, bigotry, and power that we allowed our government to sell over the last fifty years. We wonder why our lives don’t get any better, why the rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer, why there is so much hate and anger in our society, why we are living on the verge of a police state, where one-third of Americans are a week away from homelessness and the rest of the homeless are treated like a nuisance or an eye sore. “HEY, he’s not heavy, he’s my brother!” We stood by, and did what we were told by the media, government, and the rich. “Hello!” The media’s out to sell stories told by the government who wants to keep and gain power. Most of all the rich have been treating us as suckers; ten percent of the population own ninety percent of everything and they like it that way. These guys have been selling us the Brooklyn Bridge daily; furthermore, setting the interest and payments generation after generation. They treat us as indentured servants or feudal surfs. We out number them and we have nothing to loose because they have it all already. The families could change the tides; brother beside brother, sister beside sister, all AMERICANS. I have faith, hope, and love in this cause. This is the time to act; unity for the sake of our children, for the hopes, and dreams of all Americans, so we can truly live in PEACE and FREEDOM. This house might be divided by race, lifestyle, and business, but we are not divided by HONOR. Make peace with your neighbor for he shall be your fellow solider in this fight for the future. I am not your leader, just the voice of the truth, and a concept that must herd. You have your own leaders, use them well; share ideas, and use them to change this invoked prison into a world that will survive and flourish. We must make amends. This is the third invite to meet in peace for freedom. It’s time to put the word on the streets. 7/7/07 ....
"INDEPENDENCE too be announced and recognized for US and the entire world to see."

Writtings from The Eye of THOR


            First and foremost I must say to all those who are in such a place as to wonder if this writing; I am about to do will incriminate any person or group it will not. Those portrayed in it are all factual people or groups yet; I will muddy the water enough for those involved not to be in any peril from the establishment. I will say this I will not deviate from the truth. I am telling this not to vanquish or bereft those who have done injury or attacked my person or ego, those who have shall meet there own justice or redemption as the case may be. That I have seen already. The stories I present during this time in my life are the reflection of that truth at times, and at others the jury is still out. I shall let the pieces fall as they may. Am I still pissed? Well would you be? A great leader and mentor in my life was a man who made this quote. “Anger is an emotion that if redirected and focused can be a great ally. You ask me that spiritual leader from India, Ghandi was one pissed off little man.

            I had been working at McGrath’s Seafood house and living out of my Chevy Blazer for a couple of months and had saved up enough money to get a home. I had stopped by at Big T’s a friend of mine from years earlier to pick up some chronic and he had this stuff called Salvia.  A bunch of us guys are all sitting around puffing and Big T goes, “Hey Thor do you want to try this stuff Salvia, its real intense”
            I’m like; “Okay” Big T has been a friend of mine for a while at this point so I feel pretty relaxed in his house. I should have known he might be up to something when I saw how carefully he put the small pile of little dark green plant leaves upon the bong hit he loaded for me. The guys had decided with a little conversation that would be the best way for me to ingest this new drug.
Big T. handed me the large glass bong while saying, “Here I loaded a good one” I took the whole bong hit and Salvia in one blast like a good champ, clearing the camber. About then this little voice inside of me that had eaten its fair share of acid and other hallucinogens tells me I haven’t had a normal bong hit. I continue to hold. The little voice became a big voice real quick. Somewhere in the distance I herd my breath leave my body. I was in what be considered a full blow acid peak, with in 30 seconds. If you have ever had some good acid from the old school chemists, some of the LSD from Sweden, or any other powerful hallucinogen you know the first thing you have to do is accept it. The second is following the way of it. The way of my experience told me to go outside for it had a powerful medicine component that told my spirit that it must in a place of nature not in a dwelling. I stood up and made my way around the couch and went to the back door. Every eye in the room was intently watching my every move. I stopped at the door turned towards Big T and inquired; for speaking while under the influence of heavy drugs I had mastered pretty well, so the fact that the voice that sounded in my ears gave me thought of a small desk sitting in the deep woods with a skinny man sitting behind it shouting orders through a megaphone some where in the recesses of my body to be certain of the location would require to much discipline and would generally be highly distracting, most of all he seamed intent on keeping his slicked back hair in place while shouting orders, “How long will this last?” My deep voice spilled out into the room, gathered in a pool by the couches, and leaked out the door behind me into a yard. Some how I caught big T’s voice after it bounced of the table, wall, wall, and ceiling right over my head until my ears caught up with my drowning eyes and says, “A few Minutes” Remember, I wanted to go outside, so waiting for the answer to the question I had asked left me in a mental purgatory of untold extremes. I stepped outside and the grass said, “Hello” by waving at me in unison with the sing song of the gentle summer breeze. I felt an awareness of the earth and the things that lay just beyond the veil. Whispers vainly attempted to communicate unseen wisdom and beckon my spirit forth to encounter visions, words, and yearnings, of a world not seen by mortal eyes. As quickly as it started it stopped like the end of a roller coaster ride that has just hit the brakes, yet the feeling of the turbulent ride persisted in my center. I stood wanting the whispers to continue, wanting to hear what was said or at least to understand the message I was given. It wasn’t until years later that I gathered somewhat of an understanding.
 I was standing at the smoke area at the Forest work camp which is surrounded by forest on all sides, and I noticed Steps a native Indian staring into the darkness. I walked over and quietly sat down beside him. I had heard strange wisdom from his mouth before, and so inclined to ask him why he looked at the wood in such a searching yearning fashion. He turned to me and replied in a Question, “Do you know why the things in the woods look out?”
I replied, “No.” Steps turned to me. I could see clearly in the moonlight the lines on his face, his long gray, black, and silver hair fell in a wild yet gentle cascade around his face. His countenance bore a quiet reserve and his eyes two dark glassy points like polished onyx seemed to shine back as he replied, “They look out because they have too.”