Sunday, June 28, 2020

Cops gets canceled and Happy Days returns to TV. Race was a issue brought into Americas homes by these two shows

It was 1984 when the drug war started and race issues began to be distorted on TV. TV was a major part of this as COPS premiered on Saturday night replacing Happy Days, Lavern And Shirley, Love Boat, and Fantasy Island, and it ran for 30 years. Happy Days used to be Saturday nights social cue and so were the other programs. 2 weeks ago they put Happy Days back on the air on METV, and the network canceled Cops. Tom Bosley of Happy Days was 'America's Dad' during the late 70's and early 80's and race was taken on and discussed like today's episode were Merium did not even know she was being prejudiced until Tom Bosley explained her actions were prejudiced. She had a woke moment. The Fonz and Richie had a positive discussion about race and of course the Fonz was always cool and kids all over wanted to be like the Fonz or Richie. In the 70's races were just beginning to mix and in school kids were the first generation to spend 12 years together, but when the kids saw the answers to race issues first hand because of shared time and experience the parents sometimes missed a beat. TV was a way for America to learn lessons from shows that had 30 Million people watching them every weekend, and to bring the discussion into all American homes. Lavern and Shirley is on now. Have a great day as we relive the lessons that Gen X white America and our parents the Boomers learned when were kids via TV. If you want to know why there is so much hate fostered in some from Gen Y and some Millennial's TV was a direct result to social change or social derision.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Springfield Police Beating during Seizure

BornSuspect "I felt big chunks of feces rolling down my legs, I continued screaming, "Stop' "Help" my neighbors stood around me yelling at the Police, "Stop he is having seizures." The Police kept beating me."… Jan 22 2015 after 7 assaults by Springfield, Oregon POLICE during seizure episodes and a investigation carried out by the City of Springfield, Oregon Government (110k population demo .03% Afro-American) City Manager Gino and Mayor Lundberg who I was very honored to have them take point on such a sensitive situation as the last assault which busted my face and nose leaving me at home bleeding wondering WTFrog. Sept. of the year before. I found myself chased by hate to a new home. I fall and have seizure like activity all the time, and after training for huge races after teaching myself to walk and run again after my h/c changed my life
Many people knew who I was and got on T.V. as A Chef helping people was a bonus, so my old neighborhood, calls for a man seizing were often not made. .. I left my home at 
  to catch the 
  bus to Riverbend Hospital. i was out of meds and having way too many episodes and falls, and headed for the EMZ bus. I never made it off my apt property, (mini ghetto, mini town) I fell and couldn't move. I had my hospital bag with me with notes about my condition, extra shorts and socks, (Just in case..) and Nelson Mandela's "Long walk to Freedom." which I read during my visits. I was laying there and a person asked if I needed help I said no and he said he would be back, another offered me a cigarette when I told him I was having a seizure. I waited to crackup until he had left. He was trying to be nice. Then feet were around me. I said sir are you officers, but with the sudden light in my eyes I knew it was police. I began to tell them what i had been told to do by City manager and Sgt in charge of last investigation. I repeated my name my conditions, including PTSD from a brutal beating when I was 21 Jan 13th 1990 and asked them to run me, there was some discussion and a contact then I Spasmed an my tobacco pipe hit the ground. "Here it starts. You see I have been writing all about #SELMA Selma Movie since seeing it and telling of my father's March with ML King, my father is white and a journalist but he went to be a marcher. He heard kings call. I also have been being watched by police, this very writing will be on their screens right now. I met via fb a person from the movie and was highly honored and moved" {I AM NOBODIES BOY! and never have been. Things were going south quick these men wanted me.. and would not let me see them by using the light on my eye's as I lay now face down for last spasm. 1st the attempt to take my bag and attempted to take it. I pulled back. or my seizure did. you see if you pull on my arm my body will pull back. I have nothing to do with it, and if you try to hold me down you are going to get a ride. I can crunch 6O lbs. they tried then they began beating me. I began to scream, "HELP' HELP!" know that at this point alone My life was in danger. I continued to fight having my seizures by controlling myself best I could. but I A M H/C, so it is an ISSUE, they continued to beat me and kick and stomp my back, my kidney's my head, they grabbed my head and began pounding it on the rain road tie, so i put my hands down then they go my kidneys real good with several blows. "I am shiting my pants I screamed in terror, and this repeated." "stop' always "STOP!" and this time my neighbors where there yelling to, a few whom met me the Christian Pastor out in front just swinging her hand, and yelling. I dove my head to the side just wanting the arrest to happen, and they pounded my head into the asphalt as I relaxed and gave them my arms. l Then one last huge knee to the left side of my neck. The place where my h/c originates from. They cuffed me and then left me. All the other police came, and they pulled me onto the concrete and left me on my back cuffed. the EMS said this time they would not take me. ?? that's a first it is me usual saying no I will be okay. I began another seizure with my head pouncing against the ground, "Help me! Someone please, please cradle my head." Quickly an officer was there. He said do you remember me? I am one of the nice ones. I had no idea who he was. I knew he was acting with compassion and that is all I cared about, and thanked him. Cahoots the hippies came and said in my ear "let us get you out of this." I was going to jail. I then just before they unlocked me told them all the joke about the guy who offered me a cigarette. I got a chuckle out of most. I sweat in a hotel room and then something happened a inner calm setting me to do. A mantle of great responsibility. and then it didn't matter what happened. I got a call from my attorney and went home. One word, to be home with my cats. Amen. 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Time for the Organization of the Black Lives Matter Movement

Today is June 19th 2020; I want to start out by telling you a story. A professor of mine in college hung out with the Black Panthers in Oakland and he told me about a Panther that went down in the deep South in the 60's. He was picked up by the police and back then the jails were split into black and white holding and these cops decide to put him into the white cell expecting by morning the 'good ol boys' would teach him a lesson, but this did not happen. He organized them. My prof asked me "What did he say?" It took me 3 months of thinking to answer the question. That panther used his skills of identifying the issues they had and helped them to understand their collective power to bring about change for their own community. BLM is not organized that I can see into a form of maximum mobility and able to act as a cohesive movement for every city and small town across the country, and if we done't address change on a scale that is massive reaching all these places we will fall short of a national goal for systematic change. Please don't take this as a insult; for, I am trying to help every group, city, state and the movement as a whole. I do not want to be the leader for you have found those coming forth all over the nation from the great cities like D.C., New York, Chicago, Seattle, and Atlanta to little town like here in Oregon were Eugene and Roseburg towns with a vast demographic of whites have come forth with their black brothers and sisters or Florence South Carolina were high School students have made their mark. All over this country leaders of every walk are now coming together after 2 weeks of protests and creating direct policies and demands working with the existing structure to implement change in policing, in community outreach, in budgets, and in the very essence of systematic racism that is changing as we move forward. Every night the news all across the nation from major media to local stations are telling the story of change. I could go on and on about all the work that has been done and that needs to be done and this will be different for every town and city. Yes the message is the same in protests, but in Facebook groups I see a chance to organize better and that is the main medium being used right now to gather new recruits and spread the work of Black Lives Matter. I tried to enter a local group here in Oregon and wound up in groups that had no center and had people from all over the country or all over the world even. A few groups were built partly by word of mouth which I consider a great way to find true soldiers for the cause, but others were not done with that great deliberation that meeting during a protest can achieve. I entered 5 and looked over about 10 ranging in size from a few hundred to 15k. A admin of one group said the had 400 request in 3 hours and needed help to vet all the new people. I heard one admin use a facebook tool that would not allow new profiles to be used. I found lots of profiles that were create June 6th and they often were causing dissent and some of these people are dangerous.The problems are numerous, from location, central message, logistics, infiltrators, and the ability to coordinate the "Troops'. I have long studied MLK, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and and the history of the civil rights movement and time all the way back to the civil war. The organization and logistical control was massive during the civil rights era, from 10k men named g George the Train Porters, SNCC, College students, Local and national church groups and any other group that wanted to be a part thus requiring a team for every type of issue, Each place it changed and a new set of goals needed to be assessed. The same outline be used in every situation incorporating the 4 steps of a nonviolent action campaign as out lined by Martin Luther King Jr. The 4 basic steps are: 1. Collection of the facts to determine whether injustices are alive. 2. Negotiation. 3. Self purification of those who will be engaging in the final step. 4. Action.
I spoke to my father Jerome Ernst a life long worker for civil rights and activism as a journalist with his award winning work in Selma in the Extension Magazine and for the National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice in DC on what he would do and he said that organization was the key to success in every campaign. He told me a story about the night before the march across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma. They were gathered in a room to undergo the purification step; for, they did not know if there was to be violence. They had just gone through "Bloody Sunday" and lots of protesters were beaten savagely.The organizers had everyone curl up on the floor and close their eyes and then went around beating them with rolled up news papers and screaming at them. Dad said, "It scared the heck out of me." Each step of the four steps can be expanded to include all scenarios or issues.
National, State, Local chapters and centers need to be set. The next part in organization is to have a center of information, goals, jobs needed doing, and those who will do the jobs. It could be a blog with out lines, or a central email. The leaders could be singular or a committee and then the communication can be organized. Lots of energy and momentum is being lost and the militant right wing white supremacist groups are able to gather information and form counter actions just due to organization and lack of security.
It is paramount that welfare of those involved in the struggle be a top priority. Terrible things have already happened, and  extremists who want to stop the BLM movement are still in our communities every avenue to keep people safe should be considered. 
The movement now has so many 'Troops' that they should have enough people do get everything done in the way of protest goals and that includes keeping protesters and community safe. We have the power of the internet and don't have to wait on letters in the mail, or make phone calls, yet these are still great tools. Snail mail still rocks and is secure. Work with those in the community you are at to develop organization, and to achieve goals. There are lawyers, NAACP, and other social groups and workers who will help you work with politicians to make a plan to change our communities. As we move into a new phase from protests, to assessing the facts of injustice, to negotiation, to direct action within each community let us do so with forethought and set goals that can be attained with the massive waking of our communities. I consider it fit and proper that we also do what we can to educate our fellow citizens that might not understand what we are doing, so they can be a part of the solution. There will always be resistance to change, yet if the final goals are for more freedom and security in a society and less hate and fear we shall over come all obstacles
Dr. King had a dream and we are bring it to full life, Let freedom ring from every hill and dale, let freedom ring in every song and every chant, let freedom ring from the streets to the halls of justice. Let freedom ring so loud that the whole world will see that,
"Now is the time!"
Thank you.
No Fear

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

On Death and Dying

On Death and Dying,
The world left.
It did not make a sound shutting the door.
It did not go into the coming night.
There was no feeling of an empty room to tell of it's passing.
The world left without a thought.
It left into nothing leaving nothing not even the cold grave.
In fact you don't even get this. 
The world left.

Why am I ill. 
Why am I am still in hiding in a dumpster terrified at every noise? 
Why what did I do as I was beaten savagely, I ask what did I do?
Why are you hanging them from trees?
Why did you lie to so you can have them chase and kill me?
Why are you debating that this is wrong?
Why are you killing them with too much heroin when they are addicts for fun? 
Why after walking away from all that violence, 10 years, college, career even though I have severe h/c to find peace, I never seem to? 
Why won't people who I love and help with PTSD won't stop killing themselves while I am the only one who knows they are sick?
Why does that same man in the truck keep coming by?
Why did he yell "Niqqer you're dead!" at my home over and over for a year?
Why do I keep watching the murders by police, video after video? 
Why do I keep writing about this it makes me worse?
Why do I keep going back for another brother? 
Why can't I walk or talk some times and shake non stop? 
Why won't anyone listen? 
Why Jesus are you making me do this alone for a whole life of racist attacks and murder attempts? Why are you pointing that gun at me? 
Why are you dry clicking the gun on the wall from the apartment next door? 
Why did my nephew jump? 
Why do my whole family have to save my life flying 1000s of miles to see me help me buy a house? 
Why do people judge me because I shake now can't talk? 
Why do children get dragged away from me by their parents?
Why did that lady make that up and call police?
Why won't they remember all the free work I did for the community asking nothing but peace, 40 hours a week for 4 years at a church and cooking show all the benefits
Why I am I again in that dumpster? 
Why did I board up my windows in my new home?  
Why do the police want me in terror? 
Why do they keep saying "I'm going to kill you ..?"You just open the door we will do the rest,"
Why Won't anyone listen?
Why is America trying to save me?
Why is America trying to kill me?
Why am I a black man running again for his life?
Why am I dying?

A Change Is Gonna Come

1,000 killing by police a year is three a day. We are at a time when these killings are top news cycle daily, videos are being made by cameras all the time, and we get to informed on maybe 1 a week nationally if we are lucky. Math tells me that the people being lost is kind of beyond comprehension. If I had to read three reports each day of a police killing for a month, 100 people killed, I think if anyone would have to read that much it would make such a profound mark on their well being that "A change" would be in the works by the very ethos, pathos, and logos that is the human condition.  THOR 

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Save the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Programs in Lane Community College.

I just heard from Dr. Lisa that the Culinary Arts ad Hospitality Programs might be eliminated on a proposal on June 17th.
Here is the original Post.
I just learned that the LCC administration, without public notice, will present a proposal to eliminate both the Hospitality Management program as well as the Culinary Arts programs effectively immediately post this term and they will vote on June 17. If you are a fan of tourism and food and drink in our state please speak up and call our President, Marge Hamilton and Vice President, Paul Jarrell, before this happens as well as any board members.
FACTS for ONLY Lane county- our hospitality and tourism industry (2019 #’s) generates:
- $762 million in DIRECT visitor spending
- $297 million industry earnings
- 11,030 industry jobs
- $ 12.3 million in transient room tax which goes go to the state to be dispersed in several ways.
If this isn’t a huge economic impact to our county I don’t know what is $1 BILLION DOLLARS per year in our county and our local community college thinks we don’t matter and are unnecessary to train this integral workforce.

I am interested in creating a multi pronged action to bring awareness of this to fellow students past and present of Lane Community College Culinary Arts and Hospitality programs, Lane Community College students, those invested directly in these programs the foundation and other vehicles of support and our community via word of mouth, news agencies like The Torch, Eugene Weekly, Registrar Guard, and local TV News. The objective is to bring to bear these voices and other calls of the community to support these programs that we had known as home, that put us on our career paths, and programs we love so much. We will decide on two meetings in the community to organize in mass shall we say, to develop a comprehensive plan, implement it, and to listen to ideas and then in the 2nd mark progress of the projects development.
I will give some break down of each of these arenas.
1. Alumni Outreach: Students of the Lane Culinary Arts and Hospitality programs past and current will be contacted from email lists, facebook, phone, and any other avenue that we can think of.
2. Lane Community College students on a whole: Lane student have been receiving their scholarships from the Harvest dinner for over a decade and so this move will possibly effect students in the future and has helped many students to lower their cost of education.
3. Community outreach and program impact: Culinary Arts and Hospitality are the front door to many programs and community outreach from the Harvest Dinner where the foundation and lots of businesses come to enjoy a meal and invest in Lane students will be ended. Other types of outreach that this community has recieved are Whiteaker dinner, Veterans Dinners, The Presidents dinners, Cooking 2000 eggs for Easter hunt, The Mid East Peace dinner hosted by Ib of Cafe Soriah, and the list goes on. We will contact all those involved in these programs and communities to get their voice heard.
4. News outlets: The Torch, Eugene Weekly, Register Guard and local television station will be contacted for interviews and invited to the 2nd meeting.
5. Meeting will set in next few days for this week. We will choose a night time meeting place and I will let everyone know in the next 72 hours.
6. In the 1st meeting we will assign duties, coordinate who contacts who and what our next plan and final plan of action are.
Thank you everyone for being a part of saving the programs at Lane that we love.
Chef John Ernst
Please send emails or post if you want to be a part. We have 11 days.     

Friday, June 5, 2020

Plans for Education of Police Creating Community Partnerships

If I was to start from scratch I would contact other programs that are up and running or being created right now, for this is a conversation that many cities are having. People are putting large amounts of money into this and have a vested interest in making other communities work. You should be able to get a sit down with these people. NAACP is a organization that has been around a long time. Also look in Churches. My father worked for National Catholic Council of Interracial Justice out of D.C. Other programs are sure to be available. Contact social workers and ask about how they would set up the program. Enlist a University outreach program that deals with minorities. Even contact the police union and see how they can be involved. All these will have some form of interest or information. I suggest creating a partnership with your local government. Research who in city council would be the best person to help you with this. If police forces are going to change then we have to be a part like you are doing and also the department has to be a part. If you bring it to the police union and tell them like (The 8 steps program for police use of force) a better communication will keep their officers safer. You have to play the devils advocate in a way to get them on board. A basic course in Afro-American studies in a CC where they have no uniform on. Civilian based education, and have them coordinate with a sociological liaison that you have set up. Other ideas are like involving them in a local community sports like softball also get the Fire department involved in such ventures. If you get every one from police, EMS, doctors, social workers, educators, government, lawyers, and the other local organizers for community like church, Elks Lions Rotary clubs involved with every day lay people you can have a plan with many moving parts towards one goal. Make lists. Make contacts. Make goals. Develop plans to make goals. Met people. Good luck.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


We must come together as a community, change the very narrative, and give exact goals to the movement that are attainable. I believe that the essence of what we are fighting for is 'Justice Reform'. We cannot change people ideas about race in whole, but we can try. We can't get the police to suddenly become our friends, and I don't think we as POC are ready for that step, but we can outline a set of goals that reform our police and courts by creating sweeping justice reform. We can do this by laws and supporting those laws. One such law is ending police immunity from prosecution. If we can win cases against the worst of these crimes police killings with no cause on unarmed POC we can take a step forward in justice reform. Dr. Kings main goal in the civil rights era was the end of Jim Crow laws and the passing of the Civil Rights Act which passed June 19th 1964. Dr. King gave us the template and road work to establish lasting and powerful change. We must continue and put into practice the 4 steps of nonviolent action outlined by Dr. King. I was driving down the street and was behind a police officer on a four lane road. A young POC was on the side of the road and as the officer passed they gave them the finger. I thought there was no protest there just an attack, but that seems the okay sentiment during this week of crisis. We are in a crisis as true as it was in the civil rights era. I would like to again bring forth the work of Dr. Kings and Gandhi's work of nonviolent action and Satyagraha which is the expression of the needed love and willingness to walk into violence. The activists of our parents or grandparents did not know they were no going to have viscous dogs tearing at their flesh, fire hoses pounding with thousands of pounds of pressure enough to lift a full size man and throw him about, police with batons splitting their heads, or lose their freedom with imprisonment for years. They went anyway from sit-ins to freedom rides, from marches to boycotts and they kept up the pressure. If you knew that if you protested today you would met with this type of violence would you go? They had been purified for the action and ready to me violence with non-violence. If you watch the movie Gandhi there is a scene were Indian men stepped forward line by line and were beaten down by batons by the English. They to had been purified for the action. This is bravery the willingness to accept violence. In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: 1) collection of the facts to determine whether injustices are alive; 2) negotiation; 3) self-purification; and 4) direct action. We are in the final step action, but let us rewind and take George Floyd's case. 1) We can see from video that the facts are George Floyd was killed by extreme police brutality. 2) A call was put forward to arrest all the officers involved in the murder of George Floyd. 3+4) These are the steps that we are in and were not planned in action, but were a reaction to a injustice that we have seen for generations. We see the actions of protesters have not been coordinated and many times resulted in riots, and the goals seem to many to loose focus as the country erupted into violence with the police still acting in violent measures. The movie Selma shows us a scene where King asks if the police chief was a certain type of man like sheriff Bull Connor whose violent reaction to protests with all the above noted forms of violence brought the eyes of the whole nation down upon the city of Birmingham Alabama for the inhumane protesters were given in his county. Dr. King was a real instigator, and he used the Ethos of America to be the catalyst of change and the political power he needed to get the Civil Rights Act passed in congress and have president Johnson sign it. I ask you. Is Trump Bull Connor? In his very first act in the protests that he issued was the attack of peaceful protesters, so he could have a photo opportunity. The battle lines are drawn, the want for change will not end, we will not stop protesting. This is the era of Justice Reform, and are you willing to be a soldier and walk into violence, are you willing to purify yourself in this fight and be the voice of change, so we can all breath. Chef John aka THOR     # GeorgeFloyd #ICantBreath #NoFear