Monday, April 28, 2014

Minnesota cont. "A Minuet Behind."

I was still a time before that in my memories, I was still all child, the adventures at Marks would have many lake ventures, big lake little lakes, ponds galore in trips ,and were doubling as visits awaiting the Summer reunion. We did that, all the families each year would all gather in Minnesota, and each trip we would sure off to make our different rounds the reunion being held at different homes though out the years, and such was how I moved about often, and this year it was at Aunt Irene and Jim Fisher's. The house inside at Mark's down stairs was where we kids played the age old games of Life, Monopoly, Checkers, and card games beginning with War, Old Maid, and Slap Jack was a favorite, and brought the most hoots and the biggest reward. Whomever could pull slap a jack was the King or Queen of slap jacks. I would be waiting with hand poised as it took every card slowly at first then the flip, all hands ready for a jack, and we kept the pace going around, tension like a mouse trap lay in the air until 'Whack" a jack would appear, and we would all dive for it, whacking late or not. The air erupted into laughs and hoots, mixed with a occasional squeal or Marks attack "Har har" which was his winning noise to except it was kind of a little more drawl out on the last "har", and really I was amazed that he could say it every time he slapped at a jack. It was always Mary or Mark who won really, sometimes Joe would get mean and "BBBB' his way into victory when he played with us. Joe was made to play by his mom and "Play nice!" by his father, so in all he played half the time. This year I was practiced up, and determined to win a game, and had played slap jack with all the neighborhood boys who played a lot rougher than my cousins, like I said before this place was a place out of time, a gentle place compared to the world that would not could not accept me, so I had learned from other mean boys and fast boys how to win. I could in a fair fight win I felt, then again the tension would grow we each would be hovering and my new strategy was I could chew bubble gum and walk, in essence. I had my had locked back like a arm of a catapult, but where as a catapult starts slowly I had trained my right arm to make lightning dashes and slaps on jacks. "Slap" and in a round Mark and the "har har" became a "har har"  going up in tone at a good play or down in tone on a missed attempt for it was just Mary and I playing. Mark and his "har hars" soon became referee of slaps deciding who was the winner. Mary was on "Woop!" full on each getting louder with a occasional "Woop!" that dislodged her like a mini hop off the couch, Joe would "BBB" watching, while Marks "hars" were coming in a crescendo as the last jack finally fell our orchestra came to full hilt with me jumping up and down doing my happy dance. Saying, "I won" my little body doing a little dance like James Brown mixed with Elvis, Joes "BBBBb' in derogatory cause he hated it when I won, anything, Mary let her whole batch of "Whoops" in one big blast, that hurt my ears the "HAR" that came out of Mark was deep and long, and about this time the door from up stairs opens and uncle Jim yells down, "You kids hold it down." We all looked at each other, I was looking at them because it was their dad and I had no idea why they were looking at me. Somebody had to say something or he would not leave until recognized. There is a very long moment that happens when children are stopped from play, it is a magic time warp that is a secret and I should not reveal this, but in the interest of understanding why kids when caught stand completely still; they are all in a long, long minuet where in just a few glances as if by telepathy the children decide who is it, and being it isn't good.   "Yes." peeped up Mary a mere squeak compared to a minuet ago. Uncle Jim started his way back up the stairs time came back to normal but god takes care of kids and left us in time warp long enough to not get caught as we resumed our brew ha, in hushed tones which of course added in the fear of more rebuke and the mirth of the game we were lots in crack up zone for a few minutes joshing each other, and resumed our game with a "See; I told you BBB" from Joe, games were a rush with people to play all the time. Games we played, or in the case now presented on me, the attack of the "Har Har's" staged by none other than Mark.

                Mark decided to take his "Har Har" as a gag routine on the road which meant I was the recipient of a new kind of, fun? It started bright and early when Mark had decided the night before to play his first show in grand manner. I was dead asleep. I mean kid sleep lost among dreams of games and corn flakes with honey. "HAR HAR" I want to stop now and tell you about sound as in impacts a kid from a distance of two inches for first the eyes jolt open and there was marks face with a big grin, a happy grand grin. Next the body reacts to such a state as the deafening wave rolled across me for it was a "Har Har" from some wild place let lose upon my bed, the poor soul in it, and the residing motion is backwards always away from such a surprise attack. My eye's then reacted in pace with the action, it then quickly ran traveling along my arms and legs ending in with my fingers, sticking straight out like, twigs in a potato and the toes tried to emulate but fell short, at some point the brain begins to start making sense to this attack, and decided a scream kind of lost like would issue forth," Whaa" it was not successful at first but then, "MMM" I was getting close. "Mark!" "Stop it" as he had taken his grin and up graded it again, with mirth. This I to would catch off the back end of his attacks, for him scaring me was cracking me up. We would be doing dishes, big family you got back up wash or dry, and we would have our turn, working right as a child and  the unsuspecting child gets slammed with "Har Har" in the middle of his shift, which was really just enough to knock me out of my socks, so I go down stairs to get a new pair and he is hanging from the ceiling, "Har Har". He would take me in the walled in area under the house where the salt tablets were  then disappear, and then. He would reappear a "Har Har" on the attack. I went through a lot of socks in a week. In the yard, playing games, I was under a "Har Har" barrage putting the very air we lived in for a week shimmered with the game laughter flight fright, and foolishness of it all finally came to an abrupt end. Uncle Jim did not want another "har" or and relation to "har" in the house or anywhere. The attacked stopped. We were always up to something, kids, cousins. "Mark is my favorite cousin." I would say to Dad and Mom.               

                We would often attend the lakes on weekends and we all knew this one place well, and while the parents were un packing and doing their meeting we kids would rush for the water. It was a mad dash because Mary said "It's a race to the platform" all while the station wagon was coming to a stop  and we would be off. Little bodies all swarm in the wagon, then it was a mad dash and even though us boys could get to the water first Mary was a good swimmer. I would be about 2pm on the lake, and the water was black and clear with a hint of green where the Sun shown new the shores the green was either a sandy , or rocky shore with a small pier, we would all dash off the end, letting our little bodies, become soaring projectiles all picking a different way to enter, Mary short but graceful, Mark, he was allowed a good amount of jovial around the house because all in good spirits would be way up in the air waving his arms feet trailing his out of control with some "Aruugh" exploding, Joe would wade in a short rush and then swim, kind a little short run in the water next to us, I and I tried to pick a spot to land in the water where no one else was. "Splash" and the world erupted in water like we came to attack the calm quiet lapping water with whoops and tears in her surface as we landed explosions . Each of us then in best form we could swam making white trails of bubbles across the surface. About then I would come up and begin to swim to. I loved to be under water and often would go under things or swim the length of the pool. We would put our best into it for the platform was pretty far out. It was just a bunch of plastic barrels with a couple layers of wood topped with green plastic grass, with a little board and a stationary anchor underneath leading to the bottom. The lake was deep enough, we never went down to far; I would ever once and a while take my dive a swim or two deeper before I began my assent. Today we reach our goal all most the same time arriving at different sides. I had went for the ladder, Mary the close side, Mark and I would be side by side and really Joe didn't see the point in games, even as a youth. We reach our goal a little raft in the middle of the lake, gently bobbing up and down, that was the final straw, a jump or two off the side and it was too late. You see it was a long way to swim back to the shore then up to the house and into to the bathroom soaking lake water wet being dried by some such parent with a towel as I barreled through the house so, instead I made to the far corner of the raft, pulled off my swim trunks and pushed. I want to call not fair at this point because every time you sit on a toilet it goes down. A brown terd made its way to the surface right next to me, I call not fair again because I had no time to explain' "It should go down." Before Mary went, "EEEWWW he pooped' and I was bearing down on another right as she said that. By then everybody looked and Mary was already heading back, a second terd longer than the first popped its head up out of the water like a little mini brown turtle and then lay flat for all to see. I was busy trying to get my shorts back on it was a clean shot with two out nothing lingered. Both Mark and Joe had taken a look and mark was like "You popped in the lake, ha ha"  and dove of the side heading back, Joe "BBb" stipud and was gone with a grunt and a little "grr' because he had to head back, I was having trouble because the big one was getting close and my shorts weren't going on easy. I swam backwards with both little brown ships following me for a few strokes like they didn't want to leave home base, again ironic they usually want out and down, terds that is. Mary made shore in record time. Mark kind of waited watching and laughing because, I was going up and down with two terds intent on catching me trying  to get my pants on. I got them swim trunks back on finally, and headed in Mark and Joe were making landing and I was a minute behind.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fire Bomb Trailer's Burn Fast Springfield Oregon 2000

Deda came and knocked on my door. I opened it for I could never turn her away and Janet knew it. Deda piped up and said, “My mom wants you to come over” and scurried of with her little blond locks bouncing as she ran. I left my trailer and locked the door with the key. Leaving the bolt lock on the handle and went to Janets house right behind and across the drive from my trailer. I knocked on Janet’s door and she asked me to come in. There was a change in her face. I had a charisma that would often supersede others who weren’t real and just out for sex, drugs, or fun. Baby Roo had on a black hat with a red sash black pants and a black blouse and Janet had white pants and a light blue blouse on. Janet sat on the couch and was quiet. I looked at her as if to say what. Baby Roo took the queue and left the trailer. Within seconds she burst back through the trailer door and exclaimed, “Thor your trailers on fire!” I ran out the door and looked across the drive. I could see the flames inside through the window that faced Janet’s trailer. I ran around the corner of my trailer towards the front door. I was worried that Joe was in the trailer and began calling his name. I reached the front door, and the lock I had put on the trailer handle was on the door, locked. No way out except the windows. I picked up a cinder block and hurled it at the window. It bounced off and shattered on the ground in front of me. All the while I’m yelling, “Joe! Joe!” I picked up a piece of the cinder block and threw it at the window again. This time the safety glass in the bed room area exploded. The flames were licking the ceiling and had completely engulfed the main living area. I herd Baby Roo yell “Joes over here” I rushed over to hold him and stood back with the other bystanders and watched my home burn.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Passover Blessing. 2014 Presidential Obama Family, Nation from THOR


It is well to honor those of all faiths, it is actually quite American in leadership you do this. Wise is men who listen to the wise, and this lay in all tenants. Bless this country and every, angry post here. No every post here. Bless your families, and your friends, you jobs and your good fortunes or bad, Bless the very ground you walk on in Saudi Arabia, to the American troops, and People of Iraq and Afghanistan. Bless all these things and places and more. In all faiths let the trumpet sound, lets all look and say I bless you before I speak so my words shall be well. Bless this County in Every Faith, From My loving Savior Jesus I know so well, to Sai Baba, who Came to speak to me, from the Great Spirit whose people also pray and bless all.   Bless you in the name of Jesus, in his words, "You shall do greater things than I in my name." 13 Men including Jesus, "Became the first." brother Paul (From Peter Paul & Mary 70's music) said in our jail bible study. He looked at all of us. "What does this mean?" he then told of his years in Prison Ministry how many men he had blessed and brought to Jesus, in some of the biggest houses, Pelican Bay to little Lane County Jail and every where in between. He looked around and said, "I must have baptized thousands, possible ten thousand." Each person on this comment thread and every on of their friends on Fb to all those who can only hear this prayer, blessing, as it is said to All. Amen Chef John aka THOR at Hope Community Pre-School & Church


Sunday, April 6, 2014

WhoVille Eviction, April 4th Eugene Oregon


I watched. We all want this to be over, but it will linger possibly tarnish the whole out look of activism and raising people not putting them under foot. I watched, I can't say I like what I saw, in this point the most. Eugene Police the very night before held public forum on diversity and accountability. We all know what was promised and what was done. Why the way intimidation, frustration, on both sides, watched a good friend walked today and I know he is always volunteering his time freely direct give back community work and a inspiring young man. Frustration and direct coordinated police action so it was disruptive in end result. The transition had to come, But why must it be so violent and confrontational every time I have been writing and avocation best I can. I watch. The Compassion comes from my years, my friends names on my memorials of the dead 2006-2007 their stories their lives. I watch. My Compassion comes from toiling my way out and taking as many with me as I can. I watch. As THOR the streets were real, are real, and still the toil to bring others forward, and so I watch and give vision. Most of all I give hope for voices not heard, plain and simple human need to be inspired and to have pride in all forms and help those who have none achieve some for a while. I will post this again for fall out leads to need, fill a need. I watch. Do you? Chef John "The Ghetto Gourmet" aka THOR

The dead, past, still lingers, to these people and their families. Where do we draw the line of compassion, homelessness they get what they deserve or they made their life? The mom who buried her son or daughter and left a note next to her sons name, "I don't know you wound up on this wall... Mom" that said do we give them compassion for their loss, or did they screw up raising their children? They weren't homeless, yet their suffering is real or do we say okay the 13 year old girl who will never see her mom again, do we say she is worthy of compassion? Do we say to the parents of the two young people who disappeared because they got too far into heroin so bad that they lay in some unmarked shallow grave I have no idea where, but I know they were dead, gone and their parents will never know what happened to their kids. and Do we say that over 1,000 deaths in 10 years means nothing to a community of 250,000 that is acceptable. Is compassion numbers, is it a status, is a reserved for some and not for others? For mentally ill but not illiterate? Where do you drawl you own line. How far does your compassion extend

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Medical Marijuana" In Eugene & Springfield Oregon, and America. by THOR

I find it proper I weigh in

Lets first look at the truth. The vast majority of marijuana, (Weed) in Springfield is sold illegally. Millions of dollars. Much of this comes from underground.

"It has made it into the middle schools, and other drugs is bad of late" Quote from a teacher. Springfield

Do we want to keep locking people up and feeding the jail needs, the "drug war" or simple begin to use the vast amount of these funds to create programs for kids at risk , and to help those members who have been caught up and need help getting back into community. Millions $ in Weed. We are looking at the possible end of a social war, a way for the whole community to grow,  and one last thing since no one is saying it. The Underground people who have done this for years and are the best at it. Can they come forth and become legal. Why you ask? Is it not obvious? Everybody wants their kids to have a better life than they did. If you can get these Underground/illegal growers, factions,  whatever to come above ground. Hmmm maybe crime would lesson over all.

Maybe the possibility of a better community and the funds to make it happen is sitting right here in our face every day. Millions$ Money flying every day.

Now done with the elephant in the room.

Medically, those who suffer the most are helped by this product and can give them a financial bonus of 100$ a month. Why because they don't buy it illegal anymore with the little funds they have and have care givers provided needed amount 1 oz at least if not 2oz. (I grew as a young man so I know what you can do as  a grower. I am also a graduate of Drug court 2007, so I weigh in a very direct fashion.) This extra money then goes into the community as they come out of their homes and spend their money in community businesses. This medical marijuana is an ability for those on SSI, SSD, Poor in pain, so many so much, millions$. It is going on right now as has for 50 years. Time to flip the table, and send everyone home. I have buried too many friends, 63 people in 2006, 72 people in  2007' I sat and watched still, knowing, the gangs grow, the cost of weed has gone down by 50% in ten years, just like the cost of coke in the 80's went down after 5 years in the drug war. So we stand a t a cross roads now.

We need to all stop and make sure this is done right. Millions of dollars for programs. Can you imagine, a recreation dept that was covered by these funds, teaching kids, music, art, nature, science, whatever someone has to give, and then use the funds to re-open forest work camp, with a treatment approach included. Pay for policing of real crimes, person to person, thefts, even reopen beds so we don't let killers go one rampages... a little tough but Lane Corrections 35% empty.

Remember I said let the underground guys come above ground. This will be the first step in the concept by Nelson Mandel "Reconciliation" of the streets of America, one street, one city, one state at a time.

Peace-UP Thor

Chef John Ernst Graduate Lane Community College.     

'Bus Junkie with Gun on Grayhound'

Our bus was full and it was set up for long rides so we had our own privy. We also had our own Heroin junkie who would make his way to the toilet every hour or two to get high. He would go into a heavy nod after his return. He obviously had not bathed for some time considering the strong body odor that emanated from him. He was a young white male brown hair thin and pale, heroin sheik with a sweat stained yellow button up shirt, gray slacks and a beige coat. James and I had chance to speak of his activities forming a sort of prejudgment mixed with pity. Until something change all that. A Hispanic lady was traveling at the back of the bus with her two children and after her daughter had gone to use the restroom she made her way to the front of the bus. The intercom turned on and the whole bus shushed for the up coming announcement. The driver said, “If anyone has diabetes, you dropped your needles in the restroom and a little three year old girl found them on the floor.” The bus maintained the silence of a library after the Librarian lets loose a deafening ‘SHHH”. I knew what it was. I got up and went to inspect the restroom and as I surmised what lay on the floor was the Junkies works with a loaded syringe full of black tar heroin. I picked them up and made my way back to my seat to confer with James. After a few minuets we decided that the Junkie had to go or turn over his product. It was then James starting asking, “I wonder what heroin is like?” I turned and looked at him with disbelief in my eyes. He did not fully grip the extremity of the situation and lent himself into musings of getting high. That is not where my mind went at all; I lay my concerns for the safety of those around me. Shortly after this the Junkie made his way to the seat across the isle from us. As he sat down I noticed the heavy object that lay in his jacket pocket which pulled on his coat, and his hand as it slid into the pocket to hold the item which lay within. This man was armed. He knew what we had been talking about. I looked at him and let my gaze penetrate him for a long second and said, “You fucked up dude.”

James interjected and said with a menacing tone, “Either get off the bus or we’ll take that from you”

I saw the muscles on the man’s arm tighten and his face became more sallow mixed with a great fear. He said through clenched teeth, “I will fight for this.” This was not a threat but a harsh reality that could prove very dangerous and quickly get out of control.

I looked deep into his eyes forcing him to keep his attention on me not James. I asked one question that still echoes in my ears, “If that little girl died from what you carelessly left on the floor could you live with that child’s soul on your conscious?”

The young man looked at me with a look of surprise on his face and then the question touched something within him. A frown crossed his eyes and he replied in a subdued and morose voice that belayed his true trapped spirit.  “No” he said “No, I could not.”  “I’ll get off the bus at the next rest stop.”

 When we reached the next rest station I spoke with the driver, and told him someone would be getting of at the next stop. I got off the bus and threw the works on the ground stomping and smashing them with my black combat boots into the snow and then put them in the trash. I remember the young man beset by fear across the parking lot. The fear was jail and a forced with-drawl from the heroin that he had become so dependant on. I asked him as his bag was taken off the bus and asked, “What are you going to do?” I was really curious because the next stop was in the middle of no-where. He looked at me and said, “I’m going to find a program, and get clean” turned and walked off into the snow. I have always wondered what happened to him.