Thursday, October 3, 2019

Forced Genetic Drift of Human Species

I was laying in bed thinking of genetic drift in species. I takes a large amount of population to create a genetic drift or some change to the environment that causes a genetic anomaly to become present and capitalized on for species survival. We are at 60% or so maximum capacity on Earth of the human race with 7 billion people and that gives lots of natural genetic anomalies to be present. If those anomalies become a saving reaction species wide encompassing social empathy set asid individual species evolution then the possibility of a social genetic movement is possible in one generation. Ie the civil rights era at the same time as social empathy created new races of mixed people at an exponential rate and it was done by social empathy not a conquered race taken by another race subjugated to race mixing like the time of slavery in America. If then this be true that the next level of one generation social empathy genetic movement will lay in that realm I feel leading us into a time when social empathy will the norm and the next level of genetic drift will become possible. I have my theories of what that will look like for these types of people I consider the evolution of the human species is already here, but unseen vrs seen. I quietly wait in my own way to see this come to fruition. We are in a point in the species where climate change is actually threatening the whole species in a short time period. We can look forward 100 years and see the population of the Earth a maximum capacity indirect constriction of World Wide species extinction. This is fact, science even with today's constant disbelievers doesn't change fact and in time this will become painfully obvious to all humans. It is like the notion that we breath air and that has been known for eons, but it wasn't until the 20th century that the idea that we need oxygen for aerobic respiration for the cellular level Krebs cycle to turn ADT to ATP for energy. It is this base knowledge of cellular growth and human musculature that has caused the human species to under go huge changes akin to almost base genetic drift. I have given two examples that have caused major changes in what we know today as science and genetic drift cause and reactions. If then: If we know that the whole world and our species is in danger from a science stand point, and a social stand point. What are the possibilities that a genetic mutation is now occurring that falls into the laws of genetic drift as stated in the beginning of this paper? If such genetic mutations and drifts in combination are not only physical and of empathy shall we say could there not be another level that we are not finding because it has not been fully understood how to register it? What would it look like? I have some good ideas. How about you?

Monday, July 8, 2019

Human Education in the Third Millennium

Blessings his is Holiness the Dalai Lama. I hope you staff forwards/reads this I feel important idea regarding this movement of education in Indian philosophy; for, I am unable to reach out to you on google plus where we were friends for many years. **The Law of Explosive Growth**

“To Add growth, lead followers. To Multiply growth, Lead Leaders." is a quote from chapter 20 "The Law of Explosive Growth." from the book 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C Maxwell. It refers to creating leader by train leaders to lead. At one point John Maxwell speaks of an initiative to create 1 MILLION LEADERS which he did in a relatively short period, and this is where I thought of what you are trying to do, and how the concept of leadership applies to the forwarding of the core of your talk in this above conversation of Human Education in the 3rd Millennium . The idea is rather simple. As Mr Maxwell found as he attempted his goal of 1 MILLION LEADERS he needed to find leaders to teach leadership to reach his goal, and as you have gathered educators from around the world to this meeting above to hear these concepts that you speak of above in Human Education in the Third Millennium in such leaders is what you need and them being educators is next in importance. If any one of these world renowned educators reads this, or anyone of their students they can see the viability of this idea and expand on it to fit the requirements of their community. I will give an example. Your Holiness tells a story of looking in a medicine cabinet and finding sedatives of a wealthy and well to do family in Sweden and thus remarking that "The mind needs to be calm." not taking medication. In America and many other countries were have veterans who are killing themselves due to PTSD, and having to take massive medicines to combat not having a calm mind. It is imperative that these teachings that are thousands of years old be brought to American and other Western Nations so this tragedy can be combated. If you choose leaders to do this and formed it in a way like SUN TZU teachings the effect would be 1 MILLION TEACHERS! Your dutiful devotee. God Bless, John aka THOR.

Monday, May 6, 2019

‘Train Quake’

Train shunting Echo
Thunder the ground shake
Quivers through the building rattles the windows quiver
Thunder the sound the whole Valley shakes from River to River.
To hear the horn is one thing a distant call to feel the shunt is the expression of the power.
Thunder locomotion Freight tons thundering against the great steel horse fire and smoke.