Saturday, January 31, 2015

Peace Up VIII Exodus

Now is the time!

 I do not call the time. I only see the saints as ready to end suffering.

I see the people ready to end suffering; for, the Nobility, Honor, and Compassion of the American spirit will no longer allow it.

Peace to all who read this, and understand this spoken word now is given power. "PEACE"

Peace to the green lands, the waters, the mountains, the sky. "I say in this way. Now is the time!"

Peace to America.

Peace to the children of Liberty, Her Sons and Daughters those who built this land, and those who are now are proud to say an American is a citizenship of calling, a distinction of expression of humanity, the very reality and ethos of who we are as a people. "The American Dream"  

                It seems empirical to establish as one would say a "Front Line" to the movement of Peace, the last change in our communities all across America, the "End Game" of "Peace Up" is a dream so powerful it cannot be stopped, born here among the turbulence of a generation of war on the streets, it is the final call. It is the only choice left.  

 Peace will walk these streets, in day and in the night.

Peace will be spoken in halls, in homes, in neighborhoods, in the very air we breathe from whispers in quiet minds and great shouts in song.

 Peace for us in our hearts for the pains we carry.

Peace to the kids with no Pa or Ma.

Peace to those kids dead and gone.

Peace to those kids that are dead, forever gone, erased as humans, over a War on our streets, most of them  don't even remember what it was like, the community, the parks, the porches, and stoops all alive with vibrant new possibilities not seen by the past generations due to their social status and society changing at a crawl for so long. The great breakthrough of the urban minorities lay at the door, self education equal, self improvement, neighborhoods had voices, music and the children played in the safe streets and court yards in Urban America, sights and sounds. I could slide in unnoticed yet my world was white. I saw from the outside in and the inside out. It took them one summer to make us all go inside, one drug to lead the pack special made to rock the minorities. Crack and War. The game took the biggest turn, one that would be a haunting of closed doors, shades, locked windows, doors.  Police raids on all the minorities at once or if you are white driving down this road in Langley Park, you will be stopped.  That was  life in the urban ghetto before war on the streets started in 1984: that was the true story, but we chose to stare at the same wall throwing mental images of what we think, "Cops" lead the way in Drama and suffering. New existence of War  in the Urban areas stomping out the voice of the people with terror, violence, poverty. Until the whole country lay under its transfixed grip until the suffering becomes too much, the lives too many, the stories, too many of suffering,  too horrible, too common.

 "For too long good men have stood by."

"First they came for the….,  But I did nothing because I was not one of them.

Then they came for the …, but I said nothing for I was not one of them.

Then they came for the ….., but I did not speak up for I was not one of them.

Then they came for me and there was nobody left to speak for me."

Peace to 1965 #SELMA "March" in Alabama  when the call for good men of all faiths of all colors and ethnicity, to come to face violence with love. The turning point, the voice of a new America  of a generation, a voice of a new generation yet to come.

Peace to "I have a Dream" speech by Dr. King for it sparked the fire of love that that moves us to make a better world, to dare our humanity  to look at suffering placed before us the bad check of justice marked "insufficient funds", King said as he spoke on to more truth, "That the very destinies of us all are intertwined, we are bound to each other freedom, by the American want to have a better community, for our children, and an end to violence>.

Violence of hand.

Violence of Power.

Violence of life.

Violence of poverty.

The end of the true suffering, the "End Game" is Non-Violent.

Now is the time, for the elders I ask again in Honor & Respect  as one man, but many voices in the night  to make again the houses strong, to prepare for the action of Peace. I believe that is the dream.

 We can never be satisfied until peace has its day.

We will never be satisfied until justice rolls like thunder across the land shaking the very core of our hearts, and poverty, suffering, violence in our communities ends.

We will never be satisfied until each child, each American can walk the streets in Peace knowing we are not moving back but forward.

We again will never be satisfied, and "Rise UP" to complete a dream, "A dream deeply rooted in the American Dream that this nation will must live up to the true meaning of the it's creed. That all men are created equal."

"Now is the Time!" for the Dream to come alive in every one of us that has heard his voice, and this sacred check of citizenship be honored .

Peace to the words of history, words of might on the steps of the Capital. 1 million strong, in and of one voice, "Now is the Time!"  that shook the very air of the Nation and still does till today, that gave point and measure with no uncertain terms the need for change. The change is here and it is up to us to cash the check owed to all the American people.

 "I have a Dream>"

Peace to Gandhi, to Malcolm X in his wisdom, to Dr. King's voice, to Mandela's Reconciliation.   

Peace to the Generations of those caught in this place of poverty, in a War zone, a life of terror in America, G born and dead before time even gave them a chance, and now long gone in a world who never even knew why.

Peace to end 31 years suffering, distrust, violence on our streets.

Peace to the 70% of criminals stuck in some fool drug crime.

Peace for the families torn down.

Peace to the kids on the streets running. 

Peace to gangs on every block in ever great city across America.  

Peace for the deep dark blocks in Baltimore, Detroit, Washington D.C., L.A., and in every great city were the urban world lives running wild.

Peace to the sisters walking the Night Shift.

Peace to the back roads where the little town has no voice.

Peace to the People and the Police.

Peace to the G's walking today.

 Peace to the M.Cs World Wide.

Peace in every Word in every language on Earth.

Peace to each families of these peoples on these shores.

 Peace to your home, and to your ground.

 Peace will lay upon us all as a unstoppable force.

"Now is the time!" I do not call the time, but it is time to honor long past dreams.

Peace to the Travelers.

Peace to the Media.

Peace to the Writers.

Peace to the Speakers>

Peace to the Rappers.  "When do we mold the youth?"

Peace to the Music in the air.

Peace to the very quiet lost and alone.

 Peace to the Voice of the street.

"Now is the time!" I do not call the time but ring the bell, as a signal and a promise, long overdue. 

Peace will be alive now like a evident being upon us a word that is and becomes tangible when spoken.

"Peace-UP" is in each good idea that can help another or help you to become better person.

"Now is the time." I do not call the time but I see Mother Earth say, "Now is the time."  

Peace to the Brothers and Sisters in the 8 by 10.

Peace to the Fallen, Graves, Ghetto & Poverty Born all races, to Police; Soldiers all. "No child should grow up without their Father, their Mother." el Padre' el Madre'

Peace to their families. "May we honor them ALL"

Peace lay upon their graves as we honor their death.

Peace to create a place where the suffering ends.

Peace to those who bring about this end of suffering.

Peace to the impoverish.

Peace to the rich.

Peace to the 1%.

Peace to the 99%.

Peace to the 1%er's.

 Peace for the CHILDREN.

"Now is the time for Peace!" I do not call the time. It has called it's self.

Peace has been called in every state, in every riot, in every shooting, in every investigation, in every March, in ever tear shed by any who have had enough of violence.

Peace for every tear shed for the cause.  

Peace for every dream killed.

"Peace to the street"

A place where the possibility of love will break enemies to brothers and sisters. A place so small yet so loud. It will hail a resounding horn, to cover our ethos in a dare of humanity,,, as Selma shows us, there is a higher place a place of a code and honor. It shows us that most of all we walk it, those of spirit. We have a way in which we follow to better ourselves and our own. Who shall lead us other than God's people, God's man in each of us, an idea born here in America. "Freedom" to let any suffering continue any longer stands against our very tenements . We are not sent to judge, only to break bread with the enemy, and to give to the suffering in this way. There those among you who walk this way and those who know me. Know I walk in many ways for Jesus sent me to many holy places. This will be my only mention of those of faith, any faith, "For too long good men have stood by>" in this struggle are already of mind and action. The last movement of faiths will be among the many reasons we find the "Love to turn our enemies into friends"   Amen

Peace will come, it is the birth of chaos and community.

Peace will be inevitable, unstoppable, creation of American honor.

Peace will lay upon the ground as sunshine upon the earth.

Peace is the "Promised Land" rent paid in full.

Peace to the Prison, Jails, Institutions.

Peace to those still doing the crime, the time, walking looking at the clock.

 Peace will come to you soon, for even within the walls we create or are created for us. "No walls do a prison make." (Which means to you ignorant knuckle heads like me when I was young, get your neck talking, stupidity and the hard shit, Billy bad ass, mean Nigga walk, and do something that really takes balls. Be a better mother fucker than a fake piece of wanna be whatever. The real OSG's still walking on free ground or we taking the long walk.) {Just threw some hard talk to get you paying attention.} Respect new school, "It was 2001 2B Lane County Jail, 2B was med custody basically a few regular prison rides, Person to person assaulters, young guys waiting on high profile home invasion cases and assaults, 5-10 years on some a few going or coming Fed and an Old Timer still on old guild lines doing the chain ride. I had been talking to "Chicken Hawk" is what  I called him a young little fellow with a new mandatory straight time charge, looking 70 months day for day. We talked for a while. I talked to all the brothers, didn't matter who you rolled with; I was THOR. He said after listening, "So I am taking one for the team." I met this man twice in life and each meeting changed us,  we both became better for it, both times we were incarcerated.    

 Respect to your elders.  We paid our dues. Seen our shit wrong then fixed our asses, usually because an "Old School" walks you through the reality of sitting your ass in prison for most your life and not standing for shit, and the other half out fucking up what you would like to be a life… that's not a ghetto nightmare. This goes for you backward ass country boys too, shit the whole lot of prison is some gifted mother fuckers, Soldiers, Men of Honor paying loyalty dues. The raw fact is very few of you got shit but trouble to come out to, and on top of that if you crewed up you got to work when you out, to go back in just to roll Loyalty. Shit brothers do you see what I am saying. I educated myself, I read books that mattered, and then found something to stand for, and took my weakness and ate my Dragon. I told you before it was a Hells Angel Elder, a Vietnam Helicopter Gunner who got me to vote.

Peace will come for you either way in time or in wisdom, in courage, in honor.

"Now is the time!" I see it has begun already. It is alive and moving and it has been for some time.

Peace has been coming for a long time, a long time coming.

PEACE is the end result of Honor, Loyalty, Respect, Freedom.

My Brothers  Sisters that sounds American.

"Now is the Time!" I know we are there for I have seen enough. The streets have shown their own way too. The need to end the violence, end suffering end foolishness, must start somewhere, the people will follow this lead.

Peace will be the only accord left, M.C.s, Families the only viable answer to the future of our children all.

Peace will be the legacy of the next generation and the exodus of this one.

Peace is the last call of every soldier who walks in honor and has died with it.  

"Now is the time!" for every voice to lift in Song, every Musician, Artist, All gathered to usher  in a new dawn of Peace.

I have a dream that the children will never see the perils I have seen that  for into the dust and pass they shall go, into history.


I say. "Now is the Time" that we walk together, sit together, ride together, honor each other in understanding what lay upon our mantle.

"Now is the time for Peace!'



I dedicate this single writing to fathers and sons, mothers and daughters.

For David, Wiley: My Son for singing wishbone in the garage with me.

 Megan Rose: My Daughter always saying "Sing Daddy Sing." as we played on the swings.


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  3. The fact that we own 60% of the world, and the Americas and the rest of the world are doing this already or on their way. Every where the ghettos will rise, the M.C.'s and families leading with the Saints & Soldiers.
    Dead & Alive
    Our Ancestors have been called, the Ghost Dance done in 2006 in Klamath. I met the Great Grandson of the Medicine Man at Wounded Knee who at that time called for the dance. (If you know; I Honor the Nations, their land their way; I have learned much.)
    Chef John AKA THOR #TheEyeofTHOR

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  8. #Peace #PeaceUP #TheEyeofTHOR #THOR #Thor Exodus in digital #
    #selmamovie "My Father Eyes" the 50 #Selma #SELMA #MarchON #BlackLives #blacklivesmatter #PeaceUP #PeaceOnStreets #mlkday2015 #everyone #whitelivesmatter #americanlivesmatter #policebrutality #Police #peace #PeaceUPEXODUSVIII I have seen, and in 50 year where will be todays "Selma" the community must change the neighborhoods must come back, not just the drug war in my paper work the base neighborhood must come back, I started asking questions, I know who is dead already by now the (10+ year WAR" and "Drug War) have created so much violence that the suicide among soldiers, police, and activists all with PTSD. Time to make "Peace" alive. #ihaveadream #martinlutherkingjr #obamaadministration Please I'm asking, Prayer all names of Jesus and God, In all faiths as they know god. "For too long good men stood by." Please let as look at the human. it is possible and it is also possible to come back from the brink. (The movie had the POLICE ATTHE END OF THE BRIDGE, MY FATHER WON A JOUNALSIM AWARD as a Marcher and then took picture. I saw the cover. I never forget things important. They were feet apart, they were feet apart when the police moved NOT At the bridge end. at some point my fathers picture framed since that day and all the letters, he has the whole magazine but is stingy,, love him. Great man.. Ps He is white, went to march not be a journalist proves how important that moment was to the new nation that is being born right now, SNCC, FREEDOM Riders close we came, and then something happened. Faith, truth and Ethos came together. We are all Americans and we are losing the best stars, men of honor, the Violence of and era must stop. THOR #TheEyeofTHOR
