Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cross Roads Services. Springfield Oregon. Racism Formless Evil

The taking of my words..
Cross Roads Services.
If anybody says the COPS are right, You know this is wrong! ‪#‎CrossRoadservices‬ "You suck in client care!" Your youth pastor making my words of shooting a Camera at police when they abused someone, into the man killing cops with a 44 magnum, and if I was such a Danger why did you bring your youth group from the Church to help? (Nice boyz, told them 13 men jail cell bible study story.) Chris you are so wrong, ‪#‎RickieJerriRainey‬ you to., and even more so; for you made the move.
INTENT, INTENT. "Chris you about the only one here that I forgave as soon as I knew."
You were supposed to help, but I was the wrong color, fear, set in, stupid racial fear.  Twice you stood by as I was assaulted and attacked racially and assaulted at two homes and by police.
"It must be okay here to do hate crimes." Okay with you<.
Just like you telling me I had whole in my brain from Meth, or a Chemical imbalance, and to sell weed to make money when I wanted to get a medical card to help with my illness, but a black man sells drugs. I have over 5 years clean. 8 in recovery.
I am NOT EVEN BLACK! I am Mixed, and from a fine upbringing, which one of you been in White House?
I don't hide what I do wrong. I am a man of Integrity, Honor, and Dignity.
You would do well to learn from that.
ps I help families , people who suffer and need help for free with my 7 years in College and 27 years experience. I never wanted a thing, but respect.
No I told you I am a Chef.
You sat and watched Dr. Batia and that weak exam and then upheld it.
 This is the worst form of service. 2nd class citizen service. Enjoy the Blog.
  #BornSuspect "I felt big chucks of feces rolling down my legs, I continued screaming, "Stop' "Help" my neighbors stood around me yelling at the Police, "Stop he is having seizures." The Police kept beating me."…  Jan 22 2015 after 7 assaults by Springfield, Oregon POLICE during seizure episodes and a investigation carried out by the City of Springfield, Oregon Government (110k population demo .03% Afro-American) City Manger Gino and Mayor Lundberg who I was very honored to have them take point on such a sensitive situation as the last assault which busted my face and nose leaving me at home bleeding wondering WTFrog. Sept. of the year before. I found myself chased by hate to a new home. I fall and have seizure like activity all the time, and after training for huge races after teaching myself to walk and run again after my h/c changed my life. 
I am better than hate.
Peace Up white folk. Amen
ps you want to bla bla me whatever..
I'm not afraid of beatin beaten again.
13 murder attempts and you got close to #14
I will never be the same.


  1. I am NOT throwing Racism FLAG at all. I am saying there is something in this town that lends to such absurd cases, and after 20 years of it I got a good look at it in many forms. Fine for Football Track, (Stars, No disrespect gentleman of U of O teams but read this place's history and what happens to us who live here. (This is Joust a Example, I could use a cross section of Jail inmates vrs race, .01-3% Black but 1/3 Jail Black.. in 1996-2004 of and on.. the numbers have gone up more Knuckle heads.. Hmmm.
    C Why I never could be mad at you and fully support your work in the Pastoral field. You are a man of Compassion. You are a man of God, and You saw the same in me, even at the worst times. When you really know a man, God got the rest. Don't doubt dang if I ain't the first one to say we all fall short. I am usually the first to say, "This good man has stood by long enough and now I am doing something that will make a change, that will help. You see that, and you know in my heart and soul I believe in what I am doing. Gee those guys #CrossRoads get paid big money for what I do everyday for over 15 years. Why? It needed to be done, laurels, payment never comes into it. It is just who I am now. I worked harder than most men, harder than most men for I had to come all the way home and Blaze a Trail for those who suffer behind me. That is why I am here. I am Chef John Arthur Ernst aka THOR

  2. I waited I watched. You are a bunch of liars. You did this to me, Jerry Rainy and Rickie Rainy Attorney at Law.
    Why does a black man have to be a Niger in your eyes. I am zeroed in. You make this bed. Now lay in it. You hurt one of God men and you told a lie "That I had a 44 magnum out to kill cops." You could have had me killed."
    You are the evil quiet lies and racism born of ignorance. How could you take a oath of Justice tell my father you were going to take care of me and then almost have me killed over miscommunication. I was speaking to a Pastor about my problems in Gods name for we are both men of God. He I long ago forgave. You Now have God to deal with.
    (P.s. I am glad I am not you. If I was I would start doing some penance real quick and save some lives for free, or you penance will be imposed by God. On this day let the truth be written and let it be done. Amen) #THOR
