Monday, March 17, 2014

Eugene Marathon 2014 Chef John aka THOR "THE POWER OF THE RUN"

I have been thinking of running a full marathon, the trick is I'm H?C. I say it like that because even though I am handicapped I must have the strangest handicap ever. Every morning for over 3 years since I taught myself to walk in a parking lot while bouncing a ball and chasing it for weeks until I could walk around the block then finally after a month I ran, and now I have to jog. If I don't jog/run my body begins to break down. The blessing is I'm a good runner even though I'm H?C. In my 2nd year of my rehabilitation fighting my h/c I ran a 1/2 marathon, the butte to butte, and won the 100 meter and 200 meter in the Hayward field  in 2012. I got the hankering to do some real running. I told Dad why when he asked me knowing I have gotten worse and a full marathon is no joke all things considered and I had trained 13 weeks for 13.2 miles. I said, "Dad, You only live once." I am already in training of sorts. I circle my building over and over, until I feel safe enough to hit the roads. I fall and have seizure like activity some days and I have to deal with Police and Ambulances if I run far from home. I wish someone would run with me. I still think if I can run for three hours even though no hills around I should be able to finish a marathon.

Chef John the Ghetto Gourmet aka Thor


  1. I ran 13 miles today. I ran, Electric shocks, I fell (rolled down a hill like a pro one time). I ran, I loved it. Terrifying and joyous. Springfield to Eugene and back, home.. Chef John aka THOR

  2. I have counted up the years of running. I am at about 4,000 miles plus in 3 years.

  3. All I can say is running over an hour everyday is just,,,, no I really float on a bunch of trained super fleas that all jump at once. I use my dog tag bouncing to keep time, the electric shocks are really them getting a snack off my ankle, and the resulting seizure is them all going AWOL from post until I get my shit together, and get the buggers down again them I run, the power, as I ran into the rain hard pounding feet, sideways rain sharp stings straight into my face, then along I go the sun comes back out warms my cold wet back I move, I run, spill the little buggers then and here, then they rain came hard,,,, until I saw the top of the next Thunderhead heading my way in a patch of blue,, 1hr 1/2 in a circle. THOR

  4. I tire not, the bag looks like it has been real bad, a very bad bag, ground and pound after dancing with 30 lb to Snoop. Dang bag was laughing at me to, I beat it some more, blasting the bag into the ground, GROUND AND POUND, THE BLOWS COLLASAL caused small puffs of dust to escape from its head, fist elbow down they rained like a storm, it seemed this was excessive as the beating of a slave, a horrendous action in lack of humanity. The bag 1/2 dead, and the beating continues, everyday. Pure raw expression of violence, of rage, of desperate last fight, or something even more... Imagine that THOR
    "The Power of the RUN" TITAN POWERED

  5. Reflex, speed. I used to play with a watch, I could press the button in .09 sec fastest after I started it. I was on my hill, and increasing speed, I had mad it across town to the river again, and up and over the hill that looks down on the Willamette River, Kelly Butte, ZAP, I get this much time. from the movement of my jaw the electric shock, my muscles drop my neck, to a brakes slam at 13 mph, still fast this is fast jog for me, my feet and legs locked, I went into a two foot slide on pavement with rubber running shoes, while this is happening, I pay attention to my muscles in my neck fix what went wrong by concentrating and the whole while keeping my balance down to about 5mph sliding 5 ft. than began jogging again as I caught my self. Speed, balance, reflex. all this happened in about .6 sec or one step at 13 mph when I am moving. I can still pull 13 sec in 100 meter, and reached top speed by car follow at 21, and hit a radar at 26 mph first year I ran.. I have gotten worse so I'm not as fast, and yes in 2 days B-DAY I will be that much closer to the fact that I'm not 5 years old, I'm 13, and growing up. lol The Eye of Thor

  6. opps.. this VOTE! dang it I was just down there on a 8 mile run. drop box Springfield city hall

  7. Yes I'm running back. 11 mile day, and I still need 2nd work out MMA training arms T chi body, everyday I hit that bag, got to now like my legs, don't work right unless I do.

    1. Considering, what sacrifices were made yeah running, 13 miles, to vote I'm cool with that. Did, You vote?

  8. 13 miles, later.. It was a good run, a run seeming timed to see just the right people, Judy Hope Community Pre-School & Church and sung her happy birthday with the kids, then they sung me happy birthday. Then I went and showed them a "WHOOP WHOOP!", that is when I went were the grass was 4 feet tall, and then ducked down jumping in the air, here and there in different spots in the field. With a "Whoop" duck "WHOOP" then a few seconds another spot, basically silly to the end, as long as I could keep jumping and "whoop" "WHOOPing" the Kids were cracking up and so was I. I paused in thought what it would look like to someone driving by this man ducking down in the grass and pooping into the air with a loud "Whoop' because you could not see the kids from South A street. I made my way home and a few more stops. It was a good run considering the ground and an twisting turning episode started it in warm up. Chef John "The Ghetto Gourmet" aka THOR

  9. This week hit 13 miles once on big hill the other added this in.
    I ran from Willamette to 18th in Springfield in 44 min. fb post Tuesday. I have been putting my dues getting ready, saw a pro or to, you can tell who can put on the speed. 'The Power of the Run"

    1. Happy Memorial Day MMA Break

  10. "Field of Glory"
    I also found as I thought of this question putting 13 miles down today, as I crossed roads entered my field under the Coburg Hills. My mind enjoyed the stimuli.. like a guy who speeds up and springs more when a pretty girl walks by, but this I found is more subtle movement of thought and mind, and body in movement as the dirt created little puffs of dust as I ran by, the grasses all colors browns mixed with gold green each sporting a top of seeds, some hanging like rain drops frozen in fall and wired it on a mobile of earthen brass, others, bushed into little spires of fuzzy green asparagus tips, the other taking lead in great heaps long tall grass the cities of the field in then great spires of plants rose straight from the ground green stalk strong like a tall building it rose green leaves until like on top of great buildings opened a great budding flower of white and chartreuse enflamed blue. Small buildings, weeds to most here in this field threw there display, gold for our friend the dandelion, shining up, all his type weeds blooming here there, mini red like butterflies in the straw color dry grass around it, to large patches of blue clover shaped flowers laying low on the ground huddles together. It seemed everything was in a great rush to grow and seed because the water this year ran out sooner. I saw all kinds of seeds, long thin, round like wheat berries, large greenish berries, and of course the ever vigilant black berry would hold out the longest just coming to flower now, in a slow lazy fashion, because it like to take land slowly, some places here were long over grown, little mini jungles. I have met a four foot Bull snake who saw definitely to nice to be around humans, and I took him off trail I taught him the smell of my sweaty glove was not his friend, and after he made a few good strikes. I went on, into the tall grass were I met a cat, a tabby brown strip so tall, his shoulders were level with the grass. I looked at him and stopped, the darn biggest cat I ever saw at least 25LB all muscle he walked the center of the path like her owned it, then only after looking back at me did we both gave a little and passed, I turned the corner and began the dancing part of the field following the grooves of a 4X4 laid down in the mud of long ago in winter when it was a quiet swamp. Now full of life it always speaks, the colors in every hue of red, brown, green, all in a singing competition of color, the air sweet as you look at the hills just over the river with a touch of dust, the Prairie Hawk who I see hunting, the small birds of every color flitting the air. It is my field. I figure 13 times around this track, and a run across town and I will be ready.
    Eugene Marathon 2014
    Chef John aka THOR

    1. MMA Fist striking drills.

  11. Pulled a 13 three day in row laid off two but slow sprints and MMA, 30 min, cross train hour weights,.
    Maybe 40 miles a week one day 1/2 off due to H/C building nice can hit 15 miles, and not be on the edge of my power. I'm in line, 13 times around the My Field of Glory" up and down the hill by river or back forth to Eugene Springfield, 1-2 week, by July should make a 13 miles of power base for leap to 26.4 miles0 to top I will be on Cross train to hit my high speed at KVAL all comers meet at Hayward Field. I want a 100 meter at full speed which is 80% at 13 Sec flat. I have clocked my self and speed checked with drivers, 22 mph.
    THOR H/C power!

    1. Under Pressure MMA, hit play.

  12. A little set back called the flu? I didn't need core two days. Still night of put 40 min in, next 2 hours cross train MMA , 1 hour run.
    1/2 hour MMA 40 min run. Still week keep rocking be back to long 13 mile quick. Running during illness, really makes the body strong out the other side. Ps Glad I was in great shape that was bad, Run man run, take it to the limit, Chef John aka THOR

  13. The flu was tough last week and running though it. I only logged 20 miles but had couple big cross training sets. Back to long run, but boy what a start 4-5 with the face..
    Chef John aka THOR 8 - 11 this week.

  14. July 4th.
    I fall I crawl, I get back up, I fall again, a dance I go through sometimes, me and the ground, spasms, not able to move, arms work, I begin dragging my legs, around my circle just like I was running, kick, kick, up, down, up and run.. I fall a few more times. Once during a sprint, hit the grass flipping end over end. I was moving fast. I get back up and keep going, I here my 1 hour song and keep going. I run. I run. Only thing in my mind, keep moving. Someone comes to join me, I say can't talk, must run.. 30 min later. I stop for first break. My buddy has pulled the weights out, and I get the kick boxing bag out, time for weight cross training, MMA & of course. I keep running between sets until my breath slows. I run.
    I soldier. Chef John aka THOR

  15. Replies
    1. Cross Train MMA
      After a mad, long wild fight to get back up, Push never stop, then run..

  16. Solid hitting 2 hours of running, water breaks, kept moving.
    Run KVAL All Comers Track meet at Hayward field this week in Eugene, We shall see. I did not prep for speed but that is my baby, maybe hit fourth gear, hoping to hold anything in 13 teens if I can pull one breath, until last 30 yards. If a lot run, a few breaths and I lose a sec or more. 100 meter, 200 meter, 3rd event?
    Chef John aka THOR

  17. Eugene Marathon 2014


    Hello sir. I attempted to register for the Marathon online and the telephone.?? (long distance call.) I "Chef John Arthur Ernst" aka THOR am registered, one way or another in the next few days.

    26.4 MILES

    I am doing well sir. I want you, each person who I come across in this endeavor that it is by each of them, inspiration born, I have been training a long time, forget the pain, run. I wanted to say thanks.

    This is what thanks means to me H/C.

    A knock on my bad door on the 4th of July and my neighbor surprised me with and invite, later I was told she wanted to make a point of inviting me. I don't go around people sometimes due to my H/C it can throw people at time but feel comfortable in my own neighborhood. A neighbor asked me to a 4th of July BBQ. What resulted was a huge neighborhood gathering and I felt a part, not outside or alone, but a neighbor having a great time playing with the kids, blowing off all the mass load of fire works, kids laughing playing screaming, boys throwing, lighting fire works everywhere, one sat with his bag of ground flowers, and a punk burning as he fired down like he was in a trench against the curb he attacked the towers of spent fire works. The whole picnic table was covered with fire works like it had been before with food, packed and stacked to over flowing. We blew it up on our street for hours and everyone had a great time! I got to meet a lot of people who had just waved to as they went by. They know me because everyday I get up, circling building for and hour before I long run, and I often fall they all know, and they all know, I get back up. I am a part of a neighborhood and when you are part of something accepted a competitor, a runner, as I am when I run in big races. I am just a runner, running on the sparks of inspirations, letting those fires bring me in.

    The Unstoppable Force "Chef John aka THOR" vrs
    The Immovable Object 26.4 MILES,,

    lol I always get back up, I always finish the race no matter how long.

    Maybe will meet,

    It is a honor just to run.

    Best regards

    Chef John aka THOR

  18. I am in. Chef John
    I am running KVAL All Comers Track Meet at Hayward Field. Today so keeping them frisky after my first 4 mile, lots of water,
    13 Sec 100m 2010 Titan Track 2010 (Unofficial)
    Goal Break it !
    THOR.. LIGHTNING/VVVW'''''THUNDER Getting Geared up On Blue Brothers Sound Track...

  19. 13.45 100 METER
    2ND 800.. forgot to run.. really. I was down for two laps then I see everybody in finish, dang kicked in sprint, late and was drawling power, for two full laps.
    I had fun. Chef John aka THOR

  20. 13 miles today.
    I am now signed for the Eugene Marathon 2014.
    I am going the whole way. If I can do that, well anyone can do anything they set their mind to. I decided to run last year keeping a 10 K base through the winter,, Why train so long.
    I am H/C, I taught myself to walk bouncing a little ball in a parking lot for weeks in 2011, and in the same fashion over weeks I taught my broken body to run. In 2012 I trained 13 weeks for 13.2 miles. The only way I could run a full Marathon is in the Summer when I am strongest. This is on my bucket list of inspiration sparks to cause a inspiration Love Fire. Chef John aka THOR

    Raced a tractor up the back side of South 2nd street and beat it to the crest two days ago during a ten. It was hot.. 3rd race up that hill this month. two bikes

  21. 2 hours running Saturday. Being careful now close to goal. Sat was hard to walk a few blocks to store.
    Did couple rounds last two days, just keeping my bounce and my hands arms going.
    Long nap, then 1/2 hour today. Just to warm up.
    I am getting into race mode already. I have to pace this week. I have to keep going, but most of my building is done considering the issues I'm having at same time. I tell ya later.
    Long run to my "Field of Glory" Monday one day. You will go with me. Now this week keep fuel proper, sleep proper.. speaking of. GN
    Chef John aka THOR

  22. 5 days, short run 1 1/2 the Why I keep going, God knows why..
    Chef John aka THOR

  23. My "FIELD of GLORY"
    Chef John aka THOR

  24. Bib 2805 had a nice 5 mile run today, picked up, my t shirt this time. I am such a rookie I had the length wrong. I said 26.4 it's 26.2 lol I crack my self up.
    I saw your crew KMTR NewsSource 16 today when I ran by Hayward Field. I gave them props for continuing to cover an EVENT where the World is watching... Ps. To the Athletes on the Bus about 4:44 the guy who raced the b
    us down the hill next to Hayward Field and had caught it and was gaining about 15-20MPH until road construction started.. Yeah that was me Chef John "The Ghetto Gourmet" aka THOR

  25. Night before, quick 4 today couple rounds on bag. loading with protein, fresh bread, Himalayan Raspberries, and Pink Himalayan salt..

  26. It is the pounding of feet you here most, music, people talking, me to myself, "Relax' I fall as I do and running a pack is tricky so a few more drops, but I am up and going so fast. I would often be around the same groups. the "Ballooners", and their herd, this time that time. One lady kept coming up next to me. I think their were a few more who watched me, some speed up a little because I struggle pretty hard and the noise is not welcome. I understand, I stay in gaps. The few who watched me in the first half when my speed and training was keeping me at 6-7 min miles. It was one lady, sister with long dreads who just said a few word's to me. Words that count when in the back 15 my legs wanted to quite, not due to tire but due to H/C. "You trained for this." You can do this." It meant the world you see of my legs go out totally I have a spasm so bad and violent it would have left me far from home in a bad situation. Her words.. I made those five miles and looked at the new ponds, the roses, the banks of the Willamette, the Great Gray Heron alone on his log, the young Eagles playing in the sky and Ducks of course. The water as it raged over the lower rocks. I has been so long since my life on the river. You see that was the last thing she said to me, "Enjoy your run." That really was the most important. THOR
